Beijing’s Rental Rates Are The Highest In The World

Spending 123% of average income on rent

When it comes to renting an apartment, Beijing ain’t cheap. According to UK-based Global Cities Business Alliance, the average apartment in the city costs 123% of the average monthly salary.

“Beijing’s average housing costs accounts for more than 100 percent of net earnings, suggesting that a worker on an average salary cannot live alone in typical city accommodation,” the group wrote in a recent report on the economic impact of high housing costs throughout the world.

Even for professionals such as nurses and primary school teachers, the average cost of housing in Beijing is higher than their annual income.

The average monthly rental property in Beijing is $789, which is relatively inexpensive when compared with other international cities. However, housing prices have already increased 18% this year, and relative to average income, most Beijing residents simply can’t afford to live in the city.

This of course creates another issue: long work commutes. In order to find affordable housing, residents are moving further and further outside of the city. The average round-trip commute in Beijing is now 104 minutes, with Shanghai close behind at 102 minutes.

Already in 2016, the economic impact on the lack of affordable housing has been significant. According to the report, if housing prices in the city had only increased 10% in the first quarter of 2016 as opposed to the reported 18%, the savings would have resulted in as many as 400,000 jobs and $3.4 billion in new spending.

The report also recommends enforcing purchase limits on real estate for non-residents.

Charles Liu

The Nanfang's Senior Editor