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Kevin McGeary

Guangzhou patriots show their colours, sing red songs on May 4

Posted: 05/6/2013 7:00 am

Around 1,000 people, most of whom were young, took to a public square in Guangzhou to sing patriotic song “Glory! Communist Youth” on the day before the 94th anniversary of the anti-colonial May 4 demonstrations. Heavy rain does not appear to have dampened their enthusiasm for the event which is part of the “My Chinese Dream” set of activities, Southern Metropolis Daily reports.

Courtesy of Southern Metropolis Daily

The term “Chinese Dream” went viral when Xi Jinping used it in his inaugural address as president. The Economist called Xi’s use of the term an attempt to unite the country as belief in Marxism dies.

Glory! Communist Youth” was comissioned in 1987 and performed on television in 1988 in an attempt to make patriotic songs, also known as Red Songs, popular again. It was written by lyricist Hu Hongwei and composer Yu Leisheng. Yu, now 81 years old, attended the event.

The lyrics translate as:

We are the flowers of May,
Use our youth to embrace this age;
We are the rising sun,
Using our youth to kindle the future.
The torch of May 4,
Has awoken our nation.
Magnificent things,
Spur us on in our march.
Glory, communist youth!
Glory, communist youth!
Mothers, think of the communist future when you name us
We are creating this future

The May 4 demonstrations were in reaction to conditions of the Versailles Treaty such as handing Shandong Province from Germany to Japan instead of China. The movement that was the forerunner of the founding of the communist party itself became known as the May 4 movement.

His ease in front of the camera, his worldliness and his eloquence have already set Xi Jinping apart from his predecessor.

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