The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

29 Guangdong Cops Died in Line of Duty Last Year, 21 from “Overwork”

Posted: 04/3/2014 4:40 pm

Guangdong police officers have it tough. Told by drunk motorists that their “wife is a village elder“, getting outsmarted by jaywalkers on camera, and smashing BMW car windows to force drivers to take a breath test… it’s a stressful workload exacerbated by their nightly routine of silently driving around the neighborhood with the lights flashing. No wonder they always look tired when they show up late and tell two feuding parties that “I can’t help you… you need to work this out yourselves.”

That’s why it shouldn’t be any surprise that a total of 29 police officers died in the line of duty last year in Guangdong province. At a speech given by Deputy Secretary Luo Juan during Qingming Festival services at Silver River Public Matyr Memorial Square (picture below), it was stated that a total of 683 police officers have died in the line of duty since 1980, reported

As seen in the graph that in no way depicts the horizontal mambo at the Blue Oyster Club, the deaths can be classified as follows: one from apprehending an “evil-doer”, five from traffic accidents, two from contracting cancer, and 21 from “sudden death due to overwork”.

In this last category, in which the majority are bottom-tier constables, the majority of officers that died suddenly had been working for over 24 hours. This has led doctors to make the declaration that the deaths are the result of stress and overwork.

In comparison, the state of Texas, which could be construed as the “Guangdong of the USA” if that title wasn’t already taken by Florida, had 13 of its police officers die in the line of duty in 2013, the majority of which were from violent means.

Before Guangdong police officers consider a coalition of peers that seek to address life-threatening workplace dangers, we all must admit: that is one nice commemorative ceremony.

Photo: Nandu

  • terroir bon bon

    “in the line of duty”

    The quotations didn’t fit in the body, so I guess they’ll fit down here.

    EDIT: That cop in that graph is packing some serious heat.


    IN PRAISE OF DEAD COPS! Guangzhou is the Canton of China …another uplifting story…with so many links!


    PS It is not easy to be an English teacher in China, someone please give me some money

    • The FRED FONG

      FAKE FONG ALERT,,,,this guy is stalking me

    • The FRED FONG

      For those that don’t know my FAKE FONG ALERT joke i have duel personality disorder. My FAKE FONG comments are a running joke.

      • The FRED FONG

        by looking at my icon…with over 5500 up votes…you can see this idiot has hijacked my avatar.

        • The FRED FONG

          People like the FAKE FONG more than the REAL one that is why you have more upvotes. REAL FONG is not appreciated.

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