The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

3D Magic City Arrives in Guangzhou

Posted: 05/23/2014 12:05 pm

Life is so dull. Realism is so limiting. What we need are groovy optical illusions, and that’s what visitors can expect at the 3D Magic City, newly opened in Guangzhou. The exhibit showcases 70 3D paintings made by 20 South Korean artists over a six-month time period, and lets visitors become part of the paintings.

Now visitors can enjoy an elaborate personalized one-point perspective illusions without the harassment from buskers! Chalk it up to an appreciation for all things nouveau, but Guangzhou residents can’t wait to exhibit their extroverted natures as clearly explained in a handy user guide at this exhibit.

I mean who wouldn’t jump at the chance to be in control of a Chinese guy throwing around kuai? (shown above) 

Or this picture, where visitors can pretend to be tomorrow’s WeChat picture post of tonight’s dinner.

Are you into classic beauties? Bring home a nice girl for mom with this scene inspired by Renoir’s Boating Party.

Shrink your expectations with a movie-tie in.

Or fly out of a scene in a TV that is itself floating Up in the air.

The exhibit is divided into many different theme halls including Celebrity Hall and Dinosaur Hall, but we’re most interested in wherever this illusion (above) is located. A giant Medusa with a bikini top who has turned one warrior to stone, and has already half-changed another one hiding behind a rock. The visitor’s role is to wield a massive spear and plunge it towards the Medusa, ensuring certain death?

We’re sold. The only thing holding us back is the lack of snake abs.

Photos: ChinaDaily

  • Zen my Ass

    Looks better than smoking pot.

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