The Nanfang / Blog

Natalie Wang

Shenzhen Toddler Contracts H7N9 Flu Virus

Posted: 01/6/2015 9:19 am

Another case of H7N9 has surfaced in Shenzhen. The patient, a 6 year-old girl surnamed Guan from Longhua New District, tested positive yesterday, bringing the total number of confirmed cases on the mainland to 456.

According to a report by Yancheng Evening News, the patient’s situation has stabilized, and the girl has not exhibited any fever or lung infection, symptoms typical of more severe cases. Nevertheless, the six year-old remains quarantined in a Shenzhen hospital.

Since November 2014, there have been three confirmed cases in Shenzhen, Dongguan and Meizhou. Additionally, live poultry in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Meizhou, Zhongshan, JIangmen and Zhaoqing have tested positive for the H7 virus.

According to the latest update from the Health and Family Planning Commission of Guangdong, health experts are warning of higher infection rates come spring.

Photos: Xinhua

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