The Nanfang / Blog

Lucy Liu

A 16-year old boy under pressure at school jumps to his death in Shenzhen

Posted: 01/28/2013 6:45 pm

There are two issues that seem to continually plague this part of the country: suicides from jumping off of buildings (Foxconn), and intense school pressure that takes some kids to the breaking point.

People in Shenzhen believe it’s the second reason which caused the death of a 16-year old student in Longgang District last Saturday (January 26).

Media reports say the senior high school student jumped from the eighth floor of his complex, shocking his parents and those living below.  He was quickly pronounced dead by doctors.

Neighbors suspect the boy had an argument with this parents before taking the drastic step to jump from his home. They say the boy, whose father is a civil servant, was very polite. His parents refused to answer questions when asked by the media.

Reporters who have spoken with Longgang Police say the boy may have committed suicide because of problems related to his performance in school. He had just gone to pick up his grades at 7 o’clock that morning, and returned home early at 11am before jumping to his death.

Some say it’s time either kids get used to the pressure, whether it be from school or just being scolded. Others, though, say kids need to know it’s okay to fail… sometimes. As long as you try your best.

  • Jake

    This is really ashame. IMO this is the result of an educational system that is so dependent on grades from exams, instead of weighing students other involvement with extra carricular activities like sports, music and other involvement. Plus, parents in China (as well as North America but to a lesser extend) raise their kids in a bubble and spoil and coddle them. They do not know what its like to be challenged or disciplined. Just my two cents…..

  • China Newz

    There is much more pressure to perform academically in Asian culture than in the West. It is such a tragedy that something like this happens. People that don’t excel academically may be able to achieve in some other aspect of life, maybe through an artistic pursuit or maybe through a working class job. There are plumbers that start their own business in the US and earn 100,000 per year. Kids need to just find something they like first b/c normally the like what they are good at.

    • Jake

      Agreed. Good point about the plumbers jobs. Electricians, plumbers, carpenters, contractors, many of them make a good living in the U.S. and they are union, with good benefits.

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