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A new way to reach North America from Guangzhou

Posted: 05/4/2011 9:28 pm

Many of us PRD residents head to Hong Kong for our international journeys home, but as Shenzhen and Guangzhou grow in importance (and importance), more and more direct flights to far flung destinations are being introduced.

The latest begins on June 15, when China Southern Airlines begins direct service from Guangzhou to Vancouver, where passengers can then connect to virtually anywhere in North America. For YVR (Vancouver Airport), this also represents a massive tourism opportunity. From Life of Guangzhou:

The service will also contribute to the Pacific Gateway strategy of Canada’s only Pacific coast province of British Columbia, said the Vancouver Airport Authority. The strategy targets a 75-percent increase in the number of passengers traveling through YVR and a doubling of air cargo by 2020.

“With China as British Columbia’s second-largest trading partner, continuing to provide expanded air service to the country has been a key objective for Vancouver Airport Authority as we work to build YVR as a premier global gateway to the Asia-Pacific region,” said Larry Berg, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Vancouver Airport Authority, in the statement.

It is estimated that China Southern’s thrice-weekly service will generate 44 person-years of employment, 2.2 million Canadian dollars (2.3 million U.S. dollars) in wages, and contribute 3.5 million Canadian dollars to British Columbia’s gross domestic product annually.

Currently the only ways to reach Vancouver from China are from Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, making Guangzhou the third city to offer direct service.

On a side note, with four major international airports within a few miles of each other (Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau) and several smaller ones in the vicinity (Zhuhai, Dongguan), let’s hope air traffic controllers in the area remain alert, rather than, say, watching DVDs or snoozing on the job.

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