The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Beijing’s Air Quality Will Improve… In About 30 Years

Posted: 10/22/2014 8:42 am

If the lack of visibility in Beijing over the weekend has finally signaled a national crisis, then Chinese residents can relax knowing that the problem will eventually be resolved - in about 20 to 30 years.

Song Guangsheng, the director of the National Indoor Environment Testing Center, made the remarks yesterday at the 2014 World City Ecology and Roof Greening Convention held in Qingdao. Song compared China’s pollution problem to the ones experienced in the UK, Japan, Germany, and the USA, saying a solution won’t be found in the short term.

As reported, even if China passed the strictest laws and measures to combat air pollution with the most advanced technology within the context of the fastest possible transformation of the economy, fixing the air pollution in China will still require anywhere from 15 to 20 years.

That means people in the capital will continue to be nostalgic for the great weather the capital enjoyed during the 2008 Beijing Olympics.


Photo: People’s Daily Online

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