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Charles Liu

Bye ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, China Is Starting Something Much More Fun

Posted: 08/27/2014 6:45 pm

strip challenge ShenzhenThe ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is continuing to fill up everyone’s Facebook feeds these days, but some people in China have already had enough.

A group of young men and women from a Shenzhen-based financial company stripped down to their underwear and bathing suits as a way to protest the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, something they consider to be a waste of resources.strip challenge Shenzhen

Photographed at the company’s headquarters on August 26, the group is seen with a sign behind them:

Partake in the strip challenge, boycott the ice bucket challenge; conserving and being thrifty is the right way to show your love

ALS, the rare disease known in Chinese as the “gradually getting still syndrome”, is not mentioned in this protest.

While these people are technically still wearing clothes, they are technically as naked as Chinese decorum will allow them to be. We’ll just have to wait to see if the “strip challenge” catches on as the best new way to raise donations and awareness for ALS.

strip challenge Shenzhenstrip challenge Shenzhenstrip challenge Shenzhen

Photos: China News Via YCWB

  • Jukilla

    Once again, Charles Liu managed to produce another wumao-style BS article, that fails to even mention the name of this “financial company.”

    Also, “China is starting something much more fun”?! It’s ONE [unnamed] company! Did Mr. Liu even try to interview anyone at the company?

    Look at their faces, they were obviously forced to do this by some perverted old boss.

    Good job, thenanfang! You are degrading the quality of your website by hiring ethnic Chinese nationals who obviously don’t know the first thing about journalism.

    • jixiang

      Look at their bodies. These are clearly not just a random bunch of office workers. They are models hired for the occasion. Either that, or they purposefully selected just the most good looking workers from the company. That might be the case actually.

      • Truthful

        Yes, I DID look at their bodies, and I’m not impressed. They are probably office workers being forced to “maintain harmony” by doing what their perverted old boss has instructed.
        Regardless, it doesn’t change the fact that this article is a joke - no mention of the company’s name, no investigation at all, nothing!

        And yet, Charles Liu still chooses to write: “China Is Starting Something Much More Fun” …?!…

    • Southernortherner

      i for one was quite enthralled… especially the innocent wife material one in black sitting down in the front.. someone flesh search her for me…i need a new wife..mines on the fritz..

  • The master of none

    Embarrassing for the Chinese boys.
    Now the girls know who not to bother with..

    • The master of none

      Some of the girls are waaaaaaaaaaa

  • pasco

    maybe the chinese people have not entirely understood the truth behind the ALS ice bucket challenge. To stress my point Als. they may see it as wasting water, but to everything there is always the greater good. Some time ago i saw a program which spoke about the amount of wastage of “food” by chinese people in shanghai. that is something of concern. Maybe before trying to protest they must first understand the entire reason why the people do what they do. and btw…(just for laughs) the chick in the orange and white bra got some big ….mama miya…hehe

  • Hankai Zhang

    Gross .why they just take all the clothes off … i think they just want to show off … that is what the chinese ppl always doing .BTW i am chinese ~~and im not really proud of ~!!!

    • The master of none

      We knew you was chinese by what you said.

    • Neil Goodwin

      Is that cos you lack imagination and individuality and yearn to just fit in?

  • Frank

    Sorry but just Chinese peoples need to say that the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is stupid and water wasting?. Please dear Chinese, take a look at your rivers, your drinking water lakes, your coastlines. The water there is not only dirty, it is also highly toxic. And about air pollution I will not even start to talk. The Pacific ocean is full of plastic waste.

    The purpose of the ALS IBC is to draw attention to the disease ALS, so that medizine research may be finance. If you would begin to clear away the dirt in front and in your own country, stop to waste your own resources like energy, air, water, and so on, I’ll help you then. Think even think about it!

    • Neil Goodwin

      oh, how very nationalistic of you! Can you not consider the individual?

  • Pingback: Take Your Clothes Off Instead Of Accepting THe ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

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