The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Check Out This Pink, Extra-Wide “Women’s Only” Parking Spot in Dalian

Posted: 06/27/2014 12:55 pm

Dalian has become one of the first cities in China to roll out pink, extra-wide parking spots designated for female drivers only. The parking space at a downtown Dalian mall is demarcated with a bright pink border and a label that says, “Priority Use for Women Drivers”.

As noted by a reporter, the special “women’s only” parking space is also conveniently located near the entrance of the mall for added convenience.

Whether this is utterly sexist or completely sweet is a debate we’ll leave to you. But one female visitor in Dalian said, “The people of Dalian are really romantic!”

Driver Miss Liu also expressed her gratitude:

Having this kind of spot available has made it so much more convenient. Not only is it easier to park, it saves me time to when trying to find a spot.

Yang Xiangdong, manager of the shopping mall, said the spots are not discriminatory against women:

The main position of this mall is to provide service to women. As well, here we have a children’s amusement center that many of our female clients use.

Reaction on Weibo has been mixed, with comments with accusations of sexism and others that welcome concessions for the “fairer sex”.

You don’t even have the skill (to drive properly), and yet you have the gall to ask others to give you priority benefits

This will be the future scene of a massacre

Is this for real? Don’t disrespect your female compatriots.

This is done with loving sentiment. Shenzhen, hurry up and do the same. [heart.emo]

There shouldn’t be any difference between a male and female driver! For our safety! The loving considerations of society should not be making concession that have anything to do with public safety.

Does this concede that there is a lack of skill (for women drivers)?

Photo: Yangtse

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