The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Chinese Boxer Wins Muay Thai Championship

Posted: 08/21/2014 5:27 pm

Here is your newest Chinese boxing champion: 22 year-old Chen Weichao from Hebei.

As CCTV reports, Chen defeated Wilfried Montagne from France in the 67 kg weight class of the WBC World Professional Muay Thai King of the Belts contest on August 15 in order to win the honor. Chen’s victory marks the second time that a Chinese national has become a Muay Thai boxing champion.

Chen is a martial artist that has trained since childhood. Having studied at Shaolin Temple, Chen went to Thailand by himself at 15 to begin his career.

Check out the photos of his victory below.

Photos: CCTV 

  • The master of none

    Good job!
    Not all Chinese are puffs!

    • Jukilla

      @The master of none: Next time you post on this website, remember to first take the tiny Chinese penis out of your mouth.

      • The master of none

        Its a toothpick, easy mistake.

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