The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Chinese Military Building Internet Bars for Restless Soldiers

Posted: 12/15/2014 9:30 am

pla internet bar military army chinaChinese Internet bars have a reputation as a negative influence on young people, including contributing to Internet addiction, which is now considered a clinical illness in China. But how bad can they be if the nation’s military is building internet bars to accommodate its soldiers?

The Jinan armoured brigade has constructed its own Internet bar to meet the demand of its troops. The base has dedicated three buildings to the internet, the largest of which is two stories and has 80 computers available.

Judging by the photos, many of the soldiers are big fans of the popular video game franchise, League of Legends.

pla internet bar military army china

pla internet bar military army chinaShould the soldiers find themselves on the road, not to worry. According to the report, the military has modified one of its transport buses into an Internet bar, complete with tables and networked laptop computers.

pla internet bar military army chinapla internet bar military army chinapla internet bar military army china

Photos: Beijing University New Media, cnbeta

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