The Nanfang / Blog

Katei Wang

Dongguan Bumblebee is a beauty

Posted: 02/9/2012 10:19 am

Would you believe that Bumblebee, the yellow dancing autobot from Cybertron, has appeared in a small town in the PRD? Well he has, and Dongguan Times found him, somewhere in Dongguan’s Gaobu town (高埗镇芦村) if you want a look for yourself.

You'd be grumpy too if you had one servo in the scrap heap.

Standing 2.2m tall just outside of a bicycle repair shop, Dongguan’s Bumblebee is made entirely of spare parts. His face: spokes and shock absorbers; feet, welded pedals; ankle and knee joints, gear rings. Bumblebee’s guns are an assortment of chopped up lengths of chain and bike frames. His armor is made mostly from a combination of handbrakes, handlebars and other loose bits. Unknown if the wings rotate or spin.

And, he weighs 500kg. According to this Bumblebee’s creator, 36-year-old Jiangxi native Shu Jianjun, a welder, mechanic and former mover, it took 20 abandoned bicycles to build this Transformers character.

The inspiration came to him after watching one of the Transformers movies, and his longstanding interest in large-scale machinery. Explaining his process, Shu says to the Dongguan Times:

“I often got stuck while building just for not having the right part, and sometimes stayed up until as late as 4am just to find a part or two that fits. I thought of giving up several times.”

Bumblebee took Shu around six weeks to complete. His next creation? A 3m-tall Optimus Prime.

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