The Nanfang / Blog

Kevin McGeary

Fist fight breaks out in Shenzhen hospital after child defecates in waiting room

Posted: 11/21/2012 10:00 am

After a picture of a child seen defecating on a Guangzhou subway led to much public outcry, some of us thought China might be turning a corner in terms of valuing public hygiene.

Apparently debate is still raging as to whether it is appropriate to allow one’s children to defecate in public after a fight broke out in a Shenzhen hospital when a couple were confronted about letting their 1 year-old child defecate in a waiting room, reports. You can see some grainy footage of the fight here.

On Nov. 17, Mrs. Zhang and her husband took their son to Shenzhen Children’s Hospital. When in the waiting room, they saw a couple propping their child over the trash can, even though there was a bathroom nearby which was both clean and almost empty.

When the mother of the child heard Zhang and her husband compare her child to the now infamous boy on the Guangzhou subway, she got angry, challenging them to explain what was wrong with her actions and launching a foul-mouthed tirade.

After Zhang urged the woman to calm down and threatened to record her tirade and put it on the internet, the woman then started to beat her, causing bruises and ripping her clothes.

Mrs Zhang after the incident

Staff at the hospital say Zhang was also guilty of violent behaviour and Lianhua Police Station is now conducting an investigation into the incident.

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