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Charles Liu

Fox News Host Refers To “Chinamen” In Highly-Criticized TV Rant

Posted: 07/14/2014 2:48 pm

Fox News host of The Five, Bob Beckel, has criticized the Chinese people as the greatest threat to US national security, reports CCTV News. But that isn’t the only thing that has people in China upset. He also made the following remark on the July 10 broadcast of the show:

“As usual, we bring them over here and teach a bunch of Chinamen – err, Chinese people – how to do computers and then they go back to China and hack into us.”

Beckel then made a threatening gesture at the camera.

Democratic state senator Ted Lieu made a statement on Saturday calling for Beckel’s resignation for making racist slurs. Lieu said:

We should all be alarmed by the racist, xenophobic comments by Fox News host Bob Beckel. His comments have no place in America, and this is at least the second time he has used racial slurs. He must resign immediately.

The CCTV report does not include the contention that Beckel had made a “racist slur”. The translation of “Chinamen” into Chinese in the report is not a pejorative. While unfamiliar, this translated term uses a colloquialism that is familiar to southern Chinese dialects.

However, the report does bring up that Beckel has shown anti-Chinese tendencies before in a previous comment when, after his eyes became swollen from swimming, he said “it made [him] look Oriental”.

The extent of the hurt feelings of the Chinese people can be seen in online comments:

We had taught the foreignmen-er, sorry, foreigners-how to make gunpowder, and then they came back to use the guns they invented to invade us. (A popular comment with variations repeated several times)

Isn’t this whomever “crying wolf”? Who is setting up an international monitoring system? Who is arguing the most forcefully? You know, yes you know. You know, you know, you know…

You should first give back the money you owe us before speaking.

Damned pervert America-man

What a bullshit comment

I’m too angry. Is this [network] trying to provoke an argument?

Threat? Ha, haven’t done you in yet.

Gunpowder was invented by us!

I suddenly have the urge to name off the four great inventions (of China)…

Fire him immediately? What kind of host is this?

You old bastard, did your mother teach you to speak that way?

He’s just trying to self-promote himself. I hope that no one is going to acknowledge his words.

Here is a video of Beckel’s remarks from the Thursday broadcast. The quoted passage begins at 0:12:

The FOX host had also made previous remarks regarding the limiting Chinese foreign exchange students,

Photos: CCTV News

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