The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Goodbye, Ludan Village: Shenzhen Residences Demolished

Posted: 05/30/2014 5:30 pm

Goodbye, Ludan Village. You were just 14 years old.

Hello, New Ludan Village. You’ll be receiving new residents just three years from now.

Yes, the long-awaited time has come, and today marks the last day before demolition begins on the old Ludan Village in order to make way for New Ludan Village. Now deserted, Ludan Village, Shenzhen will be rebuilt as 56 original high-rise residences, each towering at 120 meters tall.

With this gallery we’ll take a look at Ludan Village before it is no more. Meanwhile, of the 1,002 families that must relocate from their homes, 938 signed an agreement that transferred their residences over so far.

Well, for now, we’ll have our memories.

Photos: QQ, Weibo, People’s Daily Online, TeTimes, Sofun, Jingme, CCWQTV

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