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Charles Liu

Guangdong Teen Murders Aunt After Criticism for Playing Video Games

Posted: 04/10/2014 6:02 pm

Police from Zhenjiang district of the city of Shaoguan have confirmed that they have arrested Lu X Jie* for strangling to death his aunt after she criticized him for playing video games, reported Nandu.

Lu X Jie, a 17 year-old high school dropout, was invited by his aunt Lu X Quan* to stay at her home in Shaoguan; she had arranged a job interview for him at the electrical plant of an acquaintance of hers. Upon arriving, X Jie would immediately turn on his cousin’s computer and play video games until 3am the next morning, at which time he was told to go to bed by his aunt. Upon waking up at 9am the next day, X Jie would again draw the ire of his aunt when he again kept playing video games, prompting her to say that he “won’t ever change his stubborn nature”.

His concentration broken in the middle of whichever brilliant tactical decision he was about to take, X Jie broke into a furious rage. X Jie pushed his aunt down to the floor where he would beat her head against the ground, and then strangled her to death with the electric cord to a hot water bottle. His little finger bitten during the fight, X Jie then stole her phone, keys, and 75 yuan from her wallet.

X Jie hid his aunt’s body in the next room and cleaned up the scene of the crime by mopping up any blood on the ground. He then up called a second-hand store in order to sell off his aunt’s TV, stereo, satellite paraphernalia for 100 yuan, or its equivalent currency in gil. Afterwards, X Jie invited a friend named Ming to come over to the murder scene so that they could play video games together in relative peace.

The next day after his friend left, X Jie went back to his aunt’s house to sleep, after which he went to a internet bar. It was there that X Jie was finally caught and confronted by police. At the time of his arrest, he reportedly said:

“It’s okay if you beat me, just don’t touch my computer at any cost.”

The report does not specifically mention if either one of X Jie’s requests were fulfilled.

Meanwhile, a similar crime involving video games has happened recently in Sichuan. Games in Asia reports an argument between a 16 year-old boy and his mother over the MOBA video game League of Legends turned deadly when the mother was carried away by the current of a river when she threatened to kill herself, a process repeated when the father later came to confront the son who would also walk into the river like his mother and also get carried away as well.

* The middle names has been withheld from publication


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