The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Guangdong’s “Superbabies” a Miss America for the Toddler Set

Posted: 07/29/2014 6:20 pm

We have seen the future, and it is precocious: Foshan is currently home to the Superbabies children’s talent competition, due to wrap up this Saturday. Split into three shows, this will be the last of the preliminary rounds to be held in the city.

Since July 26, we’ve had displays of singing, dancing, playing of musical instruments, and the latent in-borne skill of child modelling.

More than 200 parents have forced encouraged their children to participate in the Superbabies competition, and 120 contestants who are older than toddlers now move on to next round.

We’ll have to see if Chinese progress is staying ahead of its Western equivalents Dance Moms and Toddlers and Tiaras.

And then there’s this competitor, which only proves that Superbabies come in all shapes and sizes.

Photos: Nanhai360

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