The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Guangzhou Store Sells Plush Toy of Missing Malaysian Flight 370

Posted: 05/13/2014 11:35 am

While fellow countrymen have been displaying anger at Malaysian authorities over missing flight MH370 and demanding the return of their families, one Guangzhou retailer has decided to take a softer approach.

This picture taken by Alex Lee for Reuters on May 11, 2014 shows a plush representation of the missing Malaysian flight hanging in the upper right among other stuffed animals such as bears, rabbits, and the ubiquitous “big yellow duck”.

Before the internet condemns the seller - and it no doubt will - we’ll point out that the “Chinese Dream” is open to interpretation. We don’t know the motives of this Guangzhou retailer, but he probably just wants to earn a living, right? Who’s to judge?

We can only assume that unfortunate toys regarding other similar tragedies will be sold by this retailer:

  • Wenzhou Collision Electric Train Set
  • Hindenberg Nerf Set (“Oh, the humanity you’ll enjoy!”)
  • Hot Wheels Kennedy Assassination: Dallas Track
  • 9/11 Lego Set
  • Auschwitz Easy Bake Oven
  • Cherry-Flavored Edible Licorice Slavery Whips (doubles as a primer to BSDM)
  • Japanese Imperial Comfort Women Pillows
  • China Real Estate Bubbleblower Gun (new in stock)

We sincerely hope this Guangzhou retailer reconsiders his motives, and that the MH370 plush toy is no longer sold. In fact, any similar toys regarding terrible tragedies should never see the light of day.

The selling of the Malaysian airline plush toy only serves to trivialize a tragedy, drawing attention away from the families who continue to wait for any news on the missing jetliner.

Photo: Yahoo

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