The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Guangzhou to Receive Renovated Train Station, New Bus Lanes

Posted: 04/10/2014 2:08 pm

The new and extended subway and trolley lines we told you about yesterday aren’t the only planned improvements to Guangzhou’s infrastructure. The City Formerly Known as Canton is looking to change up its image by revitalizing with speed and convenience.

The Guangzhou Railway Station is turning 40 today, and like any other person suffering from a mid-life crisis, the venerable Communist infrastructure will be getting a face lift after having been through so many different eras of prosperity.

The National Development and Reform Commission jointly announced with the Guangzhou Railway Group that the railway station will undergo extensive reconstruction in 2016 to allow for high-speed rail service and other improvements, NewsGD reported.

The ambitious plan will see the main terminal building rebuilt, and the construction of an additional nine to twenty platforms. The extensive renovations can only begin two years from now because a detour to allow freight trucks to circumvent the railway station will be required to be built first.

Furthermore, Guangzhou may soon see the addition of dedicated bus lanes. The city is now welcoming proposals to construct bus lanes to the downtown core as well as to the city’s outlying area.

In other developments regarding the proliferation of fast and easy transportation in Guangzhou, there have been mounting complaints against the growing number of “black cabs” that haunt Guangzhou East Railway Station, a problem claimed to be ignored by authorities.

Photo: Chinanews

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