The Nanfang / Blog

Jane Zhang

Guangzhou: vegetable prices soar, cost of tomatoes up 70% in 1 month

Posted: 05/10/2012 7:00 am

Vegetable markets in Guangzhou have seen large price increases due to a decreasing supply caused by recent heavy rainfall, according to New Express.

The cost of cabbage has risen so dramatically that the cost of 1.5-2.5kg of the vegetable is almost the same as half a kilo of pork.

Reporters found the price of cabbage in Guangzhou has increased from 4.2yuan/kg to now 6.4yuan/kg, rising 50%. Vegetables have been seeing low yields due to low temperatures and a lack of sunshine. Vegetable production has also been hit by pests.

The price of tomatoes also rocketed from 6.8yuan/kg to 11.4yuan/kg a 68% increase. However, the price of eggs sank to the lowest point since July 2010. Statistics from Guangzhou Price Bureau last week showed that the average price of the 32 major kinds of vegetables in Guangzhou has increased by 15% compared to last month. This includes an approximately 30% rise in the price of carrots and celery.

Guangzhou Price Bureau predicted that vegetable prices will return to normal levels when the amount of rainfall decreases.

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