The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Guangzhou Woman Finds Live Worms in Her KFC

Posted: 09/30/2014 3:07 pm

A Guangzhou woman was shocked to find her KFC lunch was crawling with tiny, white, wriggling worms, reports Caijing.

The woman, named Liu, found the worms a few hours after she had purchased the chicken and immediately contacted the media. When reporters arrived they used a fruit knife to cut open the chicken, and found more worms crawling around inside the food.

KFC compensated Liu for her email and offered her a replacement at no charge, but Liu couldn’t stomach taking another bite. She said the restaurant couldn’t guarantee the food was safe, and didn’t want to share it with her son.

KFC told the reporter that it is taking the matter seriously. The American fried chicken-maker previously had problems with Husi Foods of Shanghai, which supplied expired meat to a number of fast food outlets including McDonald’s and Pizza Hut.

Here’s a video that shows the food infested with worms:


Photos: China News

  • Toothless

    Compensation for the email, don’t understand that line.
    Also the chicken had been lying around for a few hours?

    • Toothless

      Story sucks badly

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  • Mangrove

    Well a “live” worm is a change from the dead worms one will normally see.

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