The Nanfang / Blog

Kevin McGeary

Guangzhou student murdered by fake “beautiful girl” he met on Momo

Posted: 09/4/2013 4:28 pm

It’s no secret that messaging services such as WeChat and Momo are commonly used for the purpose of hooking up. It’s also well known that those who are not careful about who they meet up with are asking for trouble.

These factors were behind what is shaping up to be one of the most bizarre muder cases of recent memory in Guangzhou, as Nandu Daily reported today.

Xiao Feng, who was in his second year at university, added what he thought was a beautiful girl on Momo on July 15. After flirting for four days they finally met up.

When they met, Xiao Feng saw that it was not a beautiful girl but a man named Mr. Zhou. Zhou smashed Xiao Feng over the head with a metal object and, after a struggle, stabbed him to death. It turns out that, although they didn’t know each other, the two men went to the same college.

Currently in police custody in Huadu District, Zhou told interrogators that he just wanted to know what it felt like to murder somebody. He joined Momo on July 14 and created a fake profile as a beautiful girl with the intent of murdering a man he lured. Psychiatrists have done a series of tests on him and found no suggestion of mental illness.

Homepage image from City Weekend

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