The Nanfang / Blog

Kevin McGeary

Happy-ending massages no crime, now barber shop owners want compensation

Posted: 08/8/2013 7:00 am

Three men who ran a “barber shop” in Foshan are demanding RMB300,000 in compensation from the state after it was ruled in June that happy-ending massages don’t amount to prostitution. They were jailed in 2011 when their establishment was found offering the service. Nanhai Court will reach a decision today, Dayang reports.

Although the source does not specify, we think these are the same three guys who were acquitted in June when a Foshan court made the landmark ruling that a hand job after a massage did not amount to prostitution. They were in jail for roughly the same length and period of time.

All three men come from Fujian Province. The youngest, Mr. Li, was born in 1991, while the others are post-80s. They were released from Nanhai Detention Centre in September 2012 when they were found “not criminally responsible” for the service being offered.

Included in the demand is 72,054 yuan for breach of personal liberty and 50,000 yuan for emotional damages.

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