The Nanfang / Blog

Cam MacMurchy

Happy Spring Festival!

Posted: 01/30/2014 5:00 pm

Another lunar year has come and gone, and we’re now into the Golden Week holiday to kick off the Year of the Horse.

It’s been a busy year for The Nanfang. Our traffic increased by 250% in 2013 from 2012, we’ve welcomed a number of new writers to the fold, and we’ve undertaken some big updates to the site.

If you haven’t logged into the site in a while, I encourage you to do so. We have a dramatically redesigned “My Profile” page that makes it incredibly simple to upload and edit content across the site. In the next few weeks, you’ll also see substantial redesigns to the Classifieds and Jobs sections, two of our fastest growing areas.

As we’ve said before, The Nanfang makes no money. It is a labour of love, and actually requires rather substantial investment to ensure the site is designed well and updated daily. Therefore, we’re always happy to have advertisers help to lessen the financial blow on the founders, and are pleased that Doctors Beck & Stone International Pet Hospital has been so supportive. Absolutely visit them if you have pets in need.

Posting will be light during the holiday, but will resume in full force following the break. That said, we have a couple of features almost ready that will appear over the holiday, and we’ll always be on top of any breaking news in the PRD.

Finally, we want to thank everyone who visits us for their support. We aim to be a community site, and it’s always great to meet people in the PRD and hear their feedback and suggestions. If you want to get involved with us, please email admin-at-thenanfang-dot-com.

May all of you have a healthy, happy, and prosperous Year of the Horse!

Cam and Ewan



    No new stories?…..did you fire your entire staff?

    • Cam

      We can’t afford to pay these guys holiday pay… will be back up and running Feb. 10.

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