The Nanfang / Blog

Kevin McGeary

HSBC: China the best place in the world to be an expat

Posted: 11/4/2013 7:00 am

HSBC has introduced a feature on its website that compares expat life in various countries, and it has determined that China is the number 1 place in which to be an expat.

The website ranks conditions for expats based on three categories: economics, experience, and raising children.

China Law Blog has more:

If you take out the raising children portion, however, China comes in at number 2, behind Thailand. Interestingly, HSBC did not have enough information to rank Thailand on the raising children portion and so it was not in the rankings at all with that metric. It therefore is not possible to know whether Thailand or China would have been first overall.

Here’s the top 10:

1. China

2. Germany

3. Singapore

4. Cayman Islands

5. Australia

6. Canada

7. Russia

8. Belgium

9. United Arab Emirates

10. Hong Kong

Around 7,000 expats were interviewed by HSBC this year to analyse and compile the feature known as Expat Explorer, which you can check out here.

Do you agree with the findings?

  • Linda

    To me, China is definitely a good place to be as an expat! It has lots of great opportunities!
    As a German, I can also agree that Germany is very expat friendly. With a solid education, you can be very successful and have a good life in Germany.

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