The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Huizhou Floods After 4 Hours of Torrential Rain [PHOTOS]

Posted: 05/16/2014 8:53 pm

huizhou flooding rain fall guangdongHeavy rain in the city of Huizhou caused flooding throughout the city after four hours of continued precipitation this afternoon, reported Guangzhou Daily.

Cars at E’ling Bridge were reported to be submerged up to their rooftops as traffic and public transportation were affected.

Firefighters attempting to pump out flooded areas were no match for the influx of rain water. Many parents took children out of school as a precaution.

huizhou flooding rain fall guangdonghuizhou flooding rain fall guangdonghuizhou flooding rain fall guangdonghuizhou flooding rain fall guangdonghuizhou flooding rain fall guangdonghuizhou flooding rain fall guangdonghuizhou flooding rain fall guangdongPhotos: Guangzhou Daily via Weibo, Shenzhen Police via Weibo

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