The Nanfang / Blog

Jane Zhang

6 year old girl diagnosed with gonorrhea

Posted: 03/22/2012 9:41 am

Via Guangzhou Daily, a Mrs. Yang up in Zhuzhou still has little idea how it came to be that her 6-year-old daughter’s kindergarten called her up last week with the news that little Qianqian had been diagnosed with acute gonorrhea.

Qianqian, sent to her boarding kindergarten just last month, has told reporters that she has played “Doctor” with one boy also at her school, the closest anyone seems to have come to identifying the source of the transmission. That a 6yo boy may also have the clap no doubt only makes things worse for the school. Qianqian’s parents appear to be running with the boy story, rejecting the school’s claim that Qianqian became infected on a weekend trip home and blaming teachers there for letting kids play together while naked.

For its part, the school claims that all teachers there have received health inspections in line with police regulations. They also denied Qianqian’s statement regarding stripping games played between students, adding that no such activity can be found in video surveillance footage of the classroom.

However, when Guangzhou Daily asked to see the tapes, the kindergarten headmaster refused, citing the children’ s privacy.

Police say they’re still investigating the situation.

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