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Charles Liu

Knife Attack at Guangzhou Train Station Injures Six People [UPDATED]

Posted: 05/6/2014 2:27 pm

A knife attack at Guangzhou Railway Station has left six people injured, reports the SCMP.

The attack occurred Tuesday morning at around 11:30am. A police officer present at the scene shot and subdued one of the attackers. Other attackers are reported to have fled the scene.

Eyewitnesses at the scene say the attack happened after the K366 train from Kunming arrived at the station. At that time, a group of young people people wearing white shirts, pants and hats began to indiscriminately attack passerbys using knives with blades half a meter long.

The station is currently shut down, and train passengers occupying it have left the building.

We will update as details come in.

UPDATE 1, May 6, 2014 2:47pm: The People’s Daily Online reports two knife-wielding assailants started their attack in front of the post office in the plaza of the Guangzhou Railway Station. Attacked were four people just leaving the station, two men and two women, of whom one sustained a neck injury.

The entrances to the Guangzhou Railway Station are now open, which has resumed normal operations again.

Four of the victims have been taken to the Guangzhou Military District Hospital, and are in stable condition. Guangzhou Party Council Secretary Wan Qingliang and mayor Chen Jianhua have gone to the hospital to visit them.

knife attack update guangzhou railway station

UPDATE 2, May 6, 2014 3:11pm: People’s Daily Online reports eyewitness accounts from taxi drivers who stated the suspects were squatting nearby the taxi stand for a period of two hours. Suddenly, the suspects stood up and took out knives from their bags that were concealed by their clothes. Not ten meters away from where they had been waiting, the suspects attacked baggage handlers and train passengers before heading off towards the center of the plaza. Police reportedly arrived on the scene one minute later.

UPDATE 3, May 6, 2014 3:37pm: Chinanews reports one of the victims is a Miss Liu Yuying, from Baotou, Inner Mongolia. Liu is on a group tour with her brother and sister and about to take a picture upon exiting the train station when a knife-wielding attacker charged towards them. In trying to escape, Liu fell down and tore her left knee. She is currently being treated at the Guangzhou military hospital.

The Southern Capital Report reported a Mr Yang as being a person with the distinction of having witnessed the March 1 Kunming railway attack as well as this one that happened today. Mr Yang had taken the K366 train that just arrived from Kunming when the attacks happened.

UPDATE 4, May 6, 2014 6:26pm: Caijing reports eyewitnesses having seen three attackers at the scene.

A fight that occurred on the second tier of the overpass at Huanshizhong Road in Yuexiu District and left behind a piece of bloody clothing has been confirmed as not related to the incident at the railway station. Previous reports stating an additional arrest has been made are now confirmed false.

Shenzhen security at the Luohu Railway Station, Luohu Port, and Luohu Metro Station have all been increased dramatically with armed guards

UPDATE 5, May 6, 2014 6:51pm: People’s Daily Online reports the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau as saying there was only one person involved in the knife attack that took place at the Guangzhou Railway Station, and not the multiple attackers previously reported. This same person is the one shot and detained by police, and is currently receiving medical treatment.

Photos: Weibo (12, 3, 4, 5, 6)

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