The Nanfang / Blog

Kevin McGeary

Are there deadly mites in Dongguan? One man is dead after being bitten in a city park

Posted: 07/4/2013 11:00 am

A man was declared dead in Dongguan’s Donghua Hospital on the afternoon of June 30. Both his doctors and his son believe the cause of death was a mite biting him in a park 17 days earlier, Jiangsu Television reports.

46 year-old Ye Yade had a temperature after being bitten by a Tsutsugamushi mite when sitting on the grass in a park on June 13, according to his son Ye Fu. He was taken to hospital and later transferred to several others.

On June 19, doctors discovered the insect bite on his scrotum and on June 21 he was diagnosed with scrub typhus.

But Ye’s life could not be saved. Doctors warn against sitting on the grass in summer. There is also the small matter of snakes at this time of year.

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