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Nanfang TV: Pharrell Williams’ “Happy in Shenzhen”

Posted: 06/22/2014 2:58 pm

Someone has finally done it: our very own Happy video set right here in Shenzhen.

Youku user Lilyfang is apparently behind the video, which is the third (by our count) Happy video in China after Hong Kong and the pollution-filled Beijing video.

Check it out.

  • charlesliu

    “The happy Happy video *FINALLY* has a Shenzhen version.”

    Finally. Something that Shenzhen gets before Shanghai, even though FamilyMart is admitted still more awesome.

  • Zen my Ass

    The video is alright, it is what it is: why putting all this effort (find people, shoot and edit the video, blah blah blah) for something unoriginal and derivative? Why not taking some risk and doing something original?

    • Kevin McGeary

      That’s what I do so be careful what you wish for.

      • charlesliu

        Coming soon: the Kevin McGeary bio movie-of-the-week we all knew we wanted, but remained blissfully ignorant of the consequences, entitled:

        “Kevin — My Story: You Asked for It, Dammit”

      • Zen my Ass

        I will be prepared…

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