The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

New High-Tech Electric Trams To Hit Guangzhou Streets This Year

Posted: 06/16/2014 1:55 pm

guangzhou train supercapacitor trainGuangzhou will soon be home to the world’s first tram to operate exclusively on supercapacitors, reports Railway Gazette.

CSR Zhuzhou will produce a total of seven trains that will enter service in December this year in Haizhou District without the need of electric overhead lines. The first scheduled line will connect Canton Tower with Wanshengwei in a circular route that has ten stops and is 7.7 km long. The tram will be able to hold 386 passengers and travel up to 70km/hr.

Supercapacitor technology is unlike conventional electric battery technology in that it can charge and release energy quickly. The future Guangzhou tram will solve the common problem of trams having to stop to recharge at every stop, thus saving time.

Photo: Railway Gazette

  • Sara Jaaksola

    Sounds interesting, though some friends of Party Pier doesn’t seem to like the idea, as some bars have to close their doors to make room for the tram. But enhancing the public transport in general is a great idea, even though the tram might be more for the tourists. p.s. I think it’s Haizhu district, not Haizhou :)

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