The Nanfang / Blog

Cam MacMurchy

New Shenzhen “pee straight” funnels aim to help you avoid costly fine

Posted: 09/2/2013 4:20 pm

We told you last month that a new regulation unveiled in Shenzhen will begin punishing those who miss the bowl when urinating. If you can’t aim straight, you’ll be hit with an RMB100 fine.

Never to miss a business opportunity, some migrant workers in Shenzhen have introduced the “pee straight” funnel to help those who struggle to hit the target. An older man and woman set up shop outside of a public toilet on Baodeng Street in Futian District to peddle their wares for RMB10 per unit.

As you can see in the brilliant demonstration below, the device aims to avoid the messy puddle that’s often found in-and-around urinals.

Judging by personal experience in Shenzhen washrooms, these funnels are sorely needed. Remember everyone, RMB100 if you miss (and get caught… somehow). The new regulation came into effect on Sunday.

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