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Charles Liu

Nifty Buckle Popular in China Tricks Cars Into Thinking Seatbelt is Fastened

Posted: 10/15/2014 6:01 pm

Guangzhou traffic police are ramping up another safety campaign targeting drivers that don’t use seatbelts, a particular problem with the proliferation of a nifty little device that tricks cars into thinking a seatbelt is being used.

These devices have the metal fasteners part of the seatbelt, but not the strap. This way the car detects the seatbelt as being fastened, and turns off any warning lights or sounds.

As it is, these fasteners come in a variety styles. Check it out:

Eighty percent of Guangzhou drivers don’t wear seatbelts. The penalty, if caught, is RMB 50.

Photos: gaobe, beishang, safetybelt, jd

  • Love, Shenzhen

    I….can’t even. I mean, seriously, you’ll go pay money to buy a Mickey Mouse fake seatbelt buckle? And most of the cab drivers who remove/hide the seatbelts in the back seats, that really boggles my mind. I know it’s all public education, but come on China, isn’t scraping people off the roads and bad traffic expensive enough to get on that?

    • Zen my Ass

      If only half of all the efforts made to break the law or trick people were channeled to the public good and to serve the community, this would be a great place to live in.

      • Love, Shenzhen

        I think it was in Country Driving that I read that everyone also refused to turn on their headlights until the government made a push in education and enforcement. And all the people with kids standing through the sunroofs and sitting on people’s lap on the front seat. I mean, Shenzhen is a super rich place, if you own a car you have money, so many people have been overseas. I mean, I’m not usually one to be so critical of China, but I just….I don’t know.

        • Zen my Ass

          I understand what you say: it’s like when they come back here, they simply resort to the old habits, this even goes without thinking for them I guess.

  • Markoff

    cool, I found it on for 1.6-2.5EUR, just search for buckle

    EDIT: already ordered for father who has problem with passenger seat detector even when he is driving alone

  • Ollivier

    3 years ago, My wife didn’t put the safety belt to our baby, The police made me pay 90€ for that. If it’s an adult, it’s 135€. China should teach drivers with raising price for these kind of deadly behaviour. Fines rise will teach very fast people that don’t understand basic explanation. It teach that a life lost in an accident cost more than 50 kuai

  • Steven Curtain

    Its great , let them do this and when there little brats fly out the glass window on impact the Mickey Mouse will be smiling in place

  • Steven Millward

    unbe-fricken-lievable! and that’s why the penalty should be more like 500 RMB. or over 1k.

  • charlesliu

    Guangzhou police should follow the lead of the Shenzhen police and force them to stare into their own headlights:

    Not quite the same thing, but then forcing these drivers into an accident with injuries as a result of not wearing a seat belt isn’t much like other things.

  • Pingback: It’s Official: There Are More Drivers in China Than Anywhere Else in The World | TheNanfang

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