The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Popular Chinese Travel Website Accused of Selling Fake Travel Insurance

Posted: 10/28/2014 9:00 am

delayed flightsDelayed flights are very common in China, so it seems only natural that an online ticket retailer like Qunar would offer flight delay insurance to its customers. However, according to a report by CCTV 13, the travel insurance may actually be fake.

Wang Zheng, who booked a flight using Qunar, purchased the optional delayed flight insurance for RMB 20. To learn exactly what was included, Wang contacted the company, Pacific Insurance. When he spoke to a representative, he was told that the company offered no such service.

Following the CCTV 13 report, Qunar announced that if their customers purchase flight insurance that proves to be fake, Qunar will compensate them to the tune of 10,000 times their original insurance fee.


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