The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Poll: 70% of Hong Kongers Say Homophobic Attitudes are Okay

Posted: 01/12/2015 11:41 am

Sign: “God loves gays too”

A new poll suggests seven out of ten Hong Kong residents are absolutely fine if people hold homophobic attitudes.

Fifty-seven percent of respondents to the survey said schools should not be forced to teach students that homosexuality and heterosexuality are both “beautiful”. Furthermore, fewer than half of those polled were in favor of extending work benefits to partners of LGBT workers, while 28 percent were in favor.

However, attitudes towards same-sex relationships have evolved when it comes to hiring practices. Sixty percent of respondents said that not hiring someone based upon their sexual preferences was discriminatory.

Just over 600 adults were surveyed in the poll carried out by Hong Kong Polytechnic University last November.

The survey was commissioned by the Family School Sexual Orientation Discrimination Ordinance Concern Group. The group’s leader Roger Wong said, “Residents hope that society will tolerate different opinions, including anti-gay opinions, and the authorities should not forcefully push legislation that will deprive freedom of speech.”

Photo: SZ Online

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