The Nanfang / Blog

Kevin McGeary

Guangzhou subway trains to have free Wi-Fi this year that’s 20x faster than 4G

Posted: 07/17/2013 7:00 am

Passengers on the Guangzhou subway will be able to enjoy free Wi-Fi that is 20 times faster than 4G, meaning they won’t have to wait for videos to stream, by the end of this year. This was a claim made by 30 year-old scientist and dean of Shenzhen KPS Higher Polytechnic Institute Liu Ruopeng, Guangzhou Daily reports.

Liu Ruopeng, courtesy of Guangzhou Daily

Liu did his PhD at Duke University and has co-authored a book on meta-materials, the technology that is expected to be key to making this happen. Guangzhou Metro has said it is in the early stages of applying Liu’s knowledge to introduce free Wi-Fi and will try to make it available as soon as possible. The metro company was decidedly less bullish in tone than Liu himself.

Liu’s institute was visited by Xi Jinping on his southern tour last year. His report, ‘The Creation and Development of Industrial Grade Meta-material Technology,’ claims that meta-materials can be used to introduce free Wi-Fi. But even if free Wi-Fi is successfully brought to Guangzhou’s subway passengers, it would be far from the most exciting thing Liu has ever worked on.

According to this 2009 report, Liu has been at the forefront of the race to create the world’s first invisibility cloak. This technology would have obvious military applications, and it is something that even Hogwarts would struggle to match.

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