The Nanfang / Blog

Kevin McGeary

Shenzhen official earns RMB20k a month, has properties worth RMB40 million

Posted: 01/31/2013 7:00 am

As Guangdong Province pilots the drive to make government officials declare their assets, one of the most high profile cases in the country of a well-connected person illegally acquiring properties is the ‘house sister’ scandal.

Now Shenzhen appears to have its own ‘house brother’ if the claims of the ex-wife of Mr. Liang, the manager of a State-owned telecommunications company, are true.

Liang, 36, has an income of just 20,000 yuan a month but has acquired 20 properties worth a total of 40 million yuan, according to Southern Metropolis Daily. In 2011, he married Luohu-based middle school teacher Ms. Wang after knowing her for eight months.

On December 6 last year, Liang filed for divorce in Luohu District due to irreconcilable differences. Wang demanded 500,000 yuan as part of the divorce, but the court ordered him to pay her just 93,000 yuan.

In reaction to the unsatisfactory settlement, a big red sign was put up on a street in Futian District Tuesday accusing Liang of illegally acquiring the wealth.

Wang claimed responsibility for the sign, and alleged that Liang acquired most of the wealth between 2004 and 2006 when regulations were mosre lax and houses were cheaper than they are now.

  • Jake

    Its really interesting to see this happening now in China with these officials being somewhat transparent on their personal finances and I wonder how far the BJ central government will allow this to go on. I’m sure they’re considering that if they continue to let this go deep into the provincial level, are the BJ central government officials next? I don’t see Wen Jiabao revealing his mass fortunes anytime soon, esp after denying reports by foreign media outlets. Interesting times we are living in here in China.

  • China Newz

    Xi Jinping sounds like he is going to crack down on corruption and once issues like this become public the axe is going to fall on head of whoever s head is corrupt.

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