The Nanfang / Blog

Jeff Bussel

Shenzhen weekend: comedy, The Fuzz, furniture exhibition, and women’s networking

Posted: 03/20/2014 7:55 pm

The weather has really warmed up, so you owe it to yourself to get out there before it gets humid and unbearable. Here are some possible choices:

Mar. 21st - Friday Frisbee Throwing Training by the SZUPA - This week, the SZUPA will be moving the normally Thursday Throw to Friday for you to learn the basics of throwing and catching a frisbee.

Mar. 21st - Professional Women’s Happy Hour by love, Shenzhen - love, Shenzhen is rounding up all the ladies for a great night out of networking @ The Tavern.

Mar. 22nd - 29th Shenzhen International Furniture Exhibition (SIFE) - The SIFE will take place on March 29th at the Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center. The biggest furniture exhibition in China where professionals in the industry and those just interested in furniture can meet each other and see the new trends.

Mar. 22nd - LIVE English Standup Comedy show @ Luna Bar! - Live English Standup Comedy is BACK and the great comedian Vivek is returning to destroy. Get your tickets while you can!

Mar. 22nd - 2014 Post Punk Band The Fuzz Love Hate Tour @ B10 Live - Post Punk Rock Band the Fuzz, make their tour debut this Saturday at B10 Live!

Mar. 23rd - Ultimate Frisbee in Futian! Sunday Pickup 12:30PM @ Bianfang - The SZUPA meet every Sunday to play Ultimate Frisbee. This week we will meet 12:30PM at the Bianfang football pitches. Afterwards we’ll have food and drinks together at Frankies American Bar.

If you attend any of these events, please email me at and we may include some of your reviews in a future post. Let’s keep your event organizers working to provide better and better events!

(Editor’s Note: We’re looking for dining and nightlife writers in Guangzhou and Dongguan. If you’re interested, please get in touch with us at



    is there any way to combine the women’s happy hour with the furniture exhibition?…If you can….contact me offline…please be discreet

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