The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Shirtless Expats Selling Burgers A Hit At Liaoning Night Market

Posted: 08/1/2014 9:01 am


Besides an English teaching position in China, finding employment is tough. How far would you go for a job? Would you be willing to take your shirt off, dance around, and wear a hygiene mask?

Two expats from Africa are doing just that in operating a food vendor stand at a night market in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, reports Sina.

The duo usually divides the work with one making the hamburgers, while the other takes his shirt off and puts on a muscle show said to attract squeals from female patrons.

The expats have named their popular stand “Little Black Hamburgers”. Chiense netizens have had mixed reactions:

The hundreds of thousands of black “uncles” in Guangzhou are awaiting for these screaming women to call them

Hahaha, these comments are full of self-hating losers with no muscles and jealous of others who have nothing to say but “that’s disgusting”. Hahaha, stupid cunts.

After catching this person working in an illegal trade, there’s no way this kind of person has a work permit

Do chengguan dare to deal with the likes of them?


You have the resources, you have a head for business, why not sell your body? The business is good.

While a lot of attention has been paid to this chef duo, nobody has indicated if the burgers are any good.

Photos: Sina

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  • Mihel

    With hygienic gloves and face-masks, these dudes are already better than 99% of street food vendors.

  • Smith

    Haha , do you know how many chineses are working in Africa without the fucking working permit ? Because one guy is selling burger all china will talk about it . When chinese are going to stop being selfish ….

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