The Nanfang / Blog

Kevin McGeary

Dusty, grimy smog blankets the Pearl River Delta

Posted: 10/8/2013 7:00 am

Due to the lack of wind and rain during the National Day holiday, cities across the Pearl River Delta were blanketed in smog that reduced visibility to 5-8 km in most cities and counties and even as low as 1km in some others, Nanfang Daily reports.

Air quality monitoring stations in Zhaoqing , Jiangmen, Zhongshan, Shunde, and Zhuhai reported “moderately serious” pollution, and local stations are known for underplaying the seriousness of air pollution. Although it was Beijing’s airpocalypse that made headlines around the world early this year, some experts believe the air quality in the Pearl River Delta is as bad if not worse.

A report from Beijing University released in December concluded the dangerous particle PM2.5 has sent 8,572 people to early graves in Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an. PM2.5 levels have been particularly hazardous in the PRD over the past week.

Experts warn that while haze is as bad as it has been in recent days, citizens be doubly aware of traffic safety, and think twice about doing strenuous exercise outdoors.

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