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Natalie Wang

Smog? What smog? Guangzhou expert says it’s just fog… really.

Posted: 03/14/2014 9:16 am

Air pollution worsens in Guangzhou.

Even when Guangzhou was blanketed by grey, toxic smog, a meteorology expert still maintains the city is covered by fog, not smog, Yangcheng Evening News reported.

The “polluted fog”, as the meteorologist Wu Dui calls it, is formed when polluted airborne particles expand upon contact with dense moisture.

But the question is will the polluted fog be less hazardous than smog? Rest assured that you are still breathing in and breathing out the same heavily polluted air. The polluted fog contains all the toxics one could find in smog, only more humid, the report said.

And it’s getting worse. On Wednesday, many cities in Guangdong have raised the “fog” alert. At 4:00pm, Guangzhou’s visibility was less than 100 meters, according to readings from a local meteorology station.

Exposure to polluted air not only raises the risks of respiratory diseases, it is also affecting one’s mental health, giving rise to mood swings, depressions, said one psychiatrist from a hospital affiliated with Jinan University in Guangdong.

In rare cases, the poisonous smog will trigger suicidal thoughts among people with a mental illness history, the psychiatrist said.

Home page and content photo credit: Guangzhou Daily 

  • Moodoo

    The PM2.5 levels published by the US Consulate are pretty much where they have been all winter, around the 150 mark “Unhealthy at 24 hours exposure” so I am inclined to believe this is fog compounding an already bad air quality problem.

    There has been a noticeable dip in air quality here though over the last 6 months from a combination of increased emmissions and dry weather.


    My TAOBAO store sells gas masks…most of my sales are from Beijing…but Guangzhou sales have tripled in the past few days….I have no complaints

  • Zen my Ass

    I guess all Londoners in Guangzhou will feel more at home now.

  • Pingback: Guangzhou to Tax Construction Sites for Dust to Curb PM 2.5 | Nanfang Insider

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