The Nanfang / Blog

Charles Liu

Student Behind Chinese Android Virus Nabbed in Shenzhen

Posted: 08/5/2014 2:44 pm

shenqi mobile phone virusThe man behind the latest cyber-scare threatening China’s mobile phone users has finally been nabbed by police. A 19-year old student behind the virus known as “shenqi.apk” that afflicted Android mobile phones was on summer vacation in Shenzhen when he was arrested, reports iFeng.

The virus is able to read a person’s contacts file and determine the owner’s identity. Worse, it can send messages from the phone, including the virus itself to people in the contacts list.

The suspect, named Li, is from Xinshao, Hunan Province. He is a student of computer science at Zhongnan University and has no previous criminal record. He happened to be in Shenzhen over the summer to help his dad, who works at a local company.

Because Li was curious, he made a virus for cell phones that could be disseminated over a large-scale area throughout the country. Li completed the trojan horse virus on July 24 and then used his own phone to send it.

Photo: ewnews163

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