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Shenzhen bar throws 9/11 party with terrorists shooting Americans

Posted: 09/12/2013 9:44 am

There’s theoretically always a reason to throw a good party, but a bar in Shenzhen may have picked the wrong one.

Angel Baby, in Shenzhen’s Futian District, threw a “party” last night to mark the 12th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States.  The party featured people dressing up as Muslim terrorists shooting other bar-goers dressed up as US marines.

We’ve posted a selection of the images below.  Bad taste, or all in good fun?



10 years later, the Twin Towers still stand… in Shenzhen

Posted: 09/11/2011 10:00 am

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Centre in New York and Pentagon in Washington. Over the past several days, many tributes and remembrances have been published, recounting what that day meant to the United States and to the world in the years that followed.

While television shows began digitally removing the twin towers immediately after the attack (such as Sex and the City), there is one place where the towers stand as proudly today as they dead 10 years ago.

ShenzhenParty has published a story on the twin towers which remain the central part of an exhibit at the Windows of the World theme park. Brent Deverman, the site’s founder, argues that it’s time to update the theme park:

Sure these miniature models of New York were built before the planes crashed into them but shouldn’t this happy theme park reflect on the tragedy? When is it time to update the model to reflect reality? Are these buildings still standing out of laziness? Ignorance? Or should this be considered a tribute, something to help us remember? Considering how long it took to make a decision on building the 9/11 memorial maybe management was just waiting to see what would replace the towers? Now that the September 11th museum is set to open, it is time to make a decision of how to change the attraction.

The question is, is the exhibit purposely not updated, or is it a mere afterthought? While one would think a large replica of towers that were destroyed in the worst attack on American soil could not still be there accidentally, this correspondent certainly wouldn’t put it past management at Windows of the World.

As long as the towers remain, they might want to consider changing the title of that section of the theme park, which is “Fly Over America”.



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