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Goodbye, Ludan Village: Shenzhen Residences Demolished

Posted: 05/30/2014 5:30 pm

Goodbye, Ludan Village. You were just 14 years old.

Hello, New Ludan Village. You’ll be receiving new residents just three years from now.

Yes, the long-awaited time has come, and today marks the last day before demolition begins on the old Ludan Village in order to make way for New Ludan Village. Now deserted, Ludan Village, Shenzhen will be rebuilt as 56 original high-rise residences, each towering at 120 meters tall.

With this gallery we’ll take a look at Ludan Village before it is no more. Meanwhile, of the 1,002 families that must relocate from their homes, 938 signed an agreement that transferred their residences over so far.

Well, for now, we’ll have our memories.

Photos: QQ, Weibo, People’s Daily Online, TeTimes, Sofun, Jingme, CCWQTV


Guangzhou Officials Asked to Return Their Cheap Social Housing Apartments

Posted: 05/16/2014 9:38 am

We can file this under “Never-Gonna-Happen”.

The public has demanded officials disclose their assets and properties for a long time now, and yet still nothing fruitful or noteworthy has come of it. Now, Guangzhou is expecting its officials in Huangpu District to voluntarily return any extra apartments they have improperly allocated for their own use before the end of this month.

If that is the case, the officials will have a lot of paper work to do, and a lot of properties to conceal, and the commission fees for some of the city’s big housing agents will be going through the roof from now until then.

All division level (处级以上) officials and higher working in institutions under the Huangpu District’s government, Communist Party Committee or state companies are subject to the new rule, according to Guangzhou Daily’s report on Wednesday.

Officials who own more than two social housing apartments, or officials who use their connections to buy low-income housings for their children and relatives, are expected to return those properties, the report said. But it did not mention any punishment for officials who refuse to do so.

But as if to appease the public about the rule’s successful implementation in the foreseeable future, the report cited an example of how the district has cleared out more than 190 improperly used government offices measuring 5,875.44 square meters in total since it issued a similar directive late last year.

Like so many other new rules Guangdong has recently unveiled including banning officials from calling each other “brother” or “boss” and the right to go clubbing, we can bank on the ultimate rule that has always, time after time, never failed to deliver - “wherever there is a policy from the top, there is a counter-policy from the bottom (上有政策,下有对策)”.

Home page photo credit: Anhui Daily 


Apartment with “Runny Nose” Drips “Yellow Goo” From Ceiling In Huizhou

Posted: 04/9/2014 2:37 pm

Besides leaving 15 confirmed deaths in its wake, the recent storms in Guangdong have also left behind a legacy of leaks and drips. For apartment owner Miss Liu of Pengdayu Xihu in Huicheng District in Huizhou, fixing a leaking crack in the ceiling would only make things worse when it started to drip “a thick, yellow goo”, reports Nandu.

Using keys to enter the unoccupied apartment above, Miss Liu discovered that a crack in the floor was being fixed; screws were forced into the crack which was then filled by a yellow gluey substance. As explained by a representative of the building’s property management, the water leak came from a pipe running along the area that hadn’t been properly water-proofed. When using high-pressure jets to mend the crack, it may have been that the pressure was too high and caused a leakage to the apartment below.

The property management representative said: “Many apartments have this same problem. It does not affect one’s safety in the least.” This is apparently supposed to help homeowners and residents to rest easy. If a pipe can’t hold in water or a repair can’t actually fix the problem, at the very least Miss Liu will be able to keep this “thick, yellow goo” that has fallen on her floors. For free.

Photo: Nandu


Inflation forces students to live in “box dorms”

Posted: 09/21/2011 2:44 pm

Home sweet home

Inflation is hitting China hard. As costs of pork, vegetables, housing and other necessities rise, people are being forced to cutback on expenses and risk seeing part of their savings washed away.

One group that is particularly susceptible to inflation is students, seeing as they don’t often have much money to begin with. A story in the Southern Metropolis Daily reports many university students unable to pay rising rental costs are being forced to seek alternatives. As a result, a makeshift structure of “box dorms” has been loosely constructed near their university in Guangzhou. Nanfang Reporter Katei Wang provides the partial translations below:

These “box dorms” are made of prefab houses and are divided into 4 areas. There is a total of 120 houses with each area having its own iron gate. Each dorm is 18 square meters: boys live on the ground floor and girls live in the first floor. The dorms have air-conditioning, a water heater, spotlight, 8 beds and other facilities.

Chen, a student from Zhanjiang city in the south of Guangdong Province, failed to rent a house in the village nearby the campus so he moved into a “box house” where he just pays RMB150 per person monthly with other 3 peers.

Compared with other students who have to pay RMB700 per person in monthly rent, Wang feels satisfied as he just has to pay RMB200 as a security deposit.

The article notes, obviously, that there are some safety concerns about these homes; they basically amount to unapproved construction projects. Makes your laowai compound seem rather nice in comparison, no?

You can watch some video of the “box dorms” below in the latest edition of Nanfang TV.

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