The Nanfang / Blog

Hebei 8 Year Old Lured Away and Beaten to Death By “Bored” Kids

Posted: 07/12/2014 9:15 am

An eight year-old Hebei boy was beaten to death by a group of eleven students because they were “bored”, reports the Dahe Report. Local police say the motive appears to be “entertainment” by the group of children who were looking for something to do.

The boy, Xiaohua, was lured away by a group of other children to a cornfield far removed from Baishu village at around 4pm on June 28. There, he was physically beaten by the group, the youngest of which is only ten years-old.

Xiaohui died on June 30 from his head injuries. He never regained consciousness from the beating.

Li Fu, the principal at the Baishu Central Elementary School that Xiaohui and several suspects attend, said that relations between students at the school are very good. Li also pointed out that because the incident happened off campus, the murder has nothing to do with school despite being the place where the victim and the suspects met.

However, village sources say that Xiaohui was constantly bullied, particularly by a fifth-grade student named Dongdong. Xiaohui was reportedly forced to steal from his family, a fact confirmed by his father, Zhang. On the other hand, Dongdong was well-liked by most of the students at the school because he would treat them to food provided by his family.

Xiaohui had reportedly said he was willing to go along with the group, so long as they “didn’t beat him”.

Xiaohui is survived by his mother who abandoned him at six years-old because of financial reasons, his father who was working in another location at the time of the murder, and his 75 year-old maternal grandfather who was looking after him.

Photos: Southern Daily Report


Ugly Video Shows Group of Girls in Maoming Beating Up Another Girl

Posted: 07/1/2014 3:41 pm

A girl was beaten by a group of her peers in Maoming, and the whole episode was caught on video. A video has surfaced on the internet that shows three girls, who all look to be junior high school students, ganging up to beat on another girl as a fourth accomplice records a video of the entire incident.

The video shows three girls ganging up on the single girl, while the fourth girl presumably holds the camera to film the incident. All appear to be junior high school students.

At one point, one of the attackers poses with a “V-sign” to the camera as she says, “Yeah!”

READ: Caught on Tape: Zhuhai Girl Surrounded, Beaten
and Stripped by Female Classmates

The victim, wearing navy blue, didn’t hit back at her attackers during the entire ordeal. None of the people in the video have been identified.

Beating up a single girl by a gang of female bullies is a common story in Guangdong, one that is often accompanied by a video recording.

In 2008, a 17 year-old girl was beaten up by four girls and then raped by a gang of boys. In 2009, three girls ganged up on a girl in Jieyang. In 2010, a Guangdong woman described by media as “beautiful and pregnant” was beaten by a gang of girls while passersby stood and watched. Last year, a Zhuhai girl was beaten and stripped by a gang of girls on camera.


Photos: Screenshots from Sina Video


Man Violently Beats Wife in Ugly Public Scene in Guangzhou

Posted: 06/30/2014 8:57 am

The man in white dragged his wife by the hair for dozens of meters.

On June 27, a man in Baiyun District of Guangzhou was seen beating and stomping on his wife’s stomach in public and dragging her by the hair for dozens of meters in broad daylight in front of their son,  Guangdong TV reported on June 29.

The violence went on for more than 10 minutes. While the man was dragging the woman along the road, the woman was carrying her son on her back. This caused the boy to sustain bruises and bleeding to his scalp according to witnesses quoted in the report, but this did not stop the man from laying his hands on his son, the witness said.

Although the man’s mother arrived and tried to stop the beating, the man continued to beat the woman with the intent to “beat her to death,” another witness told the TV station.

It was not immediately known what caused the violent beating, but a neighbour said it was a “family matter”. We have noticed increasing reports on domestic violence in Guangzhou driving up divorce rates and child abuse in the city. Despite bystanders recording the beating on their phones, it appears no one offered to help.

Photos: Guangdong TV


Teacher Slaps Guangdong Kid in Math Class, Killing Him

Posted: 06/25/2014 7:22 pm

A 13 year-old student in Zhanjiang, Guangdong is dead after having being struck by his teacher during math class, reported Southern Metropolis Report.

Huang, a fourth-year elementary school student, was attending math class on the morning of June 23 at the Jijia Central County Elementary School in the village of Lingwei. According to Huang Jizhang, a cadre committee member for North Lingwei Village, students in the class said Huang was causing a disturbance with a fellow student.

Mr Chen, the teacher of the math class, became very angry with Huang and struck the back of his head. Students say they saw blood coming out from Huang’s mouth, and he suddenly fell to the ground, unconscious.

Huang was taken to the Jijia County Health Center for emergency treatment. However, Huang was pronounced dead by the time relatives arrived. The parents, in disbelief, sent Huang to another hospital to get a second opinion, but the new doctors reached the same conclusion.

Chen Ze, the principal of the Jijia Central County Elementary School, confirms Chen has been taken into police custody for questioning.

The report does not specifically state the cause of death.

Photo: Omsi


Foreigner Stabbed to Death Outside a Nightclub in Fujian

Posted: 06/17/2014 6:27 pm

A male foreigner was stabbed to death outside a nightclub in Fuzhou, Fujian in the early morning of June 16, reports Xinhua.

The foreigner, a black man, was beaten and stabbed by a number of attackers following a short chase around 4am near Yuefeng Tower on the north side of Fuxin Road.

An eyewitness said he was making a phone call nearby when he heard a commotion behind him. After turning around, he saw a man with dark skin run out from the entertainment club chased by a crowd of people, some of whom were armed with knives.

According to a source, the deceased is a foreigner around 30 years old. The exact circumstances of what transpired remain sketchy, but some witnesses say the foreigner was involved in intimate contact with a 20 year-old woman inside the club when he was told to leave. A group then began to chase him.

Though the man’s nationality is currently unknown, some media outlets like have labeled the man as “Fuzhou’s black laowai”.

Police are currently conducting an investigation.

Photo: Xinhua


Dog Beaten to Death in Beijing in Front of Foreign Owner

Posted: 05/26/2014 9:31 am

As far as ugly stories go, this is one of the ugliest.

A person in a front office position with a high-profile school in Beijing found himself witnessing the deadly beating of his own dog, in broad daylight, on the streets of Beijing on Saturday as he was taking the dog for a walk.

Known as “One-eyed Jack” (it was missing an eye already), the dog had been taken care of by Trevor Metz of renowned Beijing burger bar Plan B in Shuangjing for “three to four months”. Metz had already taken in a couple of other dogs - all with proper registration - so found a loving home for ol’ Jack.

That’s when the story took an ugly turn. I’ll let Jack’s owner explain what happened on Saturday, in his own words:

I’d taken the dog out early Saturday morning. I usually take him on a path in the compound where there’s some garden and space for him to do his business. I took him further this time because he hadn’t been out since the early evening on Friday. After about 10 minutes of walking, I spotted 3 guys by the roadside, who approached me and stopped me. Two of them were wearing Chengguan uniforms, and one was in plain clothes. One of them asked to see the dog’s registration photo ID card thing, and I told them I had only had him a very short time and that I was in the process of getting it. I offered to show them his vaccinations, and the info I’d gathered on registration.

He told me he didn’t care about any of that, and that if I didn’t have the ID card for him they were going to take him right now. You know the dog wasn’t keen on strange men, and he was getting fidgety. I insisted that it was all being done and that he was safe, vaccinated and always kept on the leash. He started to get angry with me and told me I was out of order. I’m not exactly a picture of calmness myself when faced with surly idiots who are wasting my time, and I argued back. He told me he was gonna get me in big trouble for not having the proper documents. I told him I was gonna walk on and there was nothing he could do while I was still getting my documents sorted. I started to walk forward, the dog growled at them and let out one bark. The guy pushed me back and one of the others grabbed the leash from me. They had some kind of baton with them and they whacked the dog over the head so hard he barely yelped, he just fell down. I protested and went to shield him but the other guy pushed me back while they beat the dog 3 more times. They bundled him into some black backpack, and got into an unmarked car (looked like one of the heiche cars, wasn’t an official chengguan car). They drove off and left me there.

I’m pretty sure at least two of them were a bit drunk. Not very much so, but they had the red-faced “I’ve had baijiu” faces. And as I say, one of them was in plain clothes, and the car was unmarked.

It all just happened so fast…it was a massive blur. It was also raining, cloudy, polluted and muggy out there, it was hard to see things going on. I was just left there shouting at them trying to get a better look at the car as it left. It was a horrifying experience in so many ways. I mean…they just bludgeoned the dog without any provocation, and they looked absolutely crazy. A fear gripped me as I worried if they were going to whack me next as well and leave me there. I’ve seen some pretty messed up things in my life overseas, but the way these bastards flaunted their authority, savagely killed an innocent, sweet and gentle animal and acted threateningly to me without provocation…it made my skin crawl.

After speaking with police on Saturday, they told me that there was nothing they would do about it because the dog is not a registered pet, and therefore not legally anyone’s property. As a stray, they claim to have no ability to pursue action for the dog. At this point I just felt utterly frustrated, defeated and helpless. I also was consumed with guilt and sorrow. I’d taken the dog in to protect him from this very fate as chengguan or police may have combed the area around Shuangjing [a neighbourhood in Beijing] for strays and found him out there in the art street and taken him away. I fed him, took care of him and had him vaccinated as part of a journey to legitimacy that would protect him from such a fate. He was the most loving, affectionate and sweet dog that I’ve ever known. I also had some interest expressed from friends in adopting him permanently from me. I feel awful that despite my best intentions, this unspeakable thing happened to him. Sometimes it just hits me again, flashbacks of thinking of the sight of him falling to the ground as that barbarian whacked him. It makes me cry, it makes me feel sick. It’s disturbing my sleep and the feeling doesn’t go away easily.

Beijing has been known to be tough on dogs, and several crackdowns on illegal dogs have been implemented over the years. But this… this is beyond the pale.

RIP Jack. You’ll be missed.

(Note: Jack’s owner’s name is withheld at his request.)

One-Eyed Jack

Photo: courtesy owner of One-Eyed Jack



Watch: Mother viciously abuses daughter on Dongguan street

Posted: 12/15/2013 6:57 pm

Harrowing footage of a mother in Dongguan physically abusing her daughter yesterday has gone big on Sina Weibo.

The woman can first be seen kicking the child’s buttocks, then dragging her ten metres before beating her more. The child looks littler more than a toddler.

When the police arrive, the mother remains defiant.

She can be heard shouting: “What business is it of yours?”

She then rants: “Not only can I make her cry, I can make her die. I can raise her my own way. Who are you to intervene? You’re not my relatives.”

At the end, a policeman can be heard saying: “This is taking place in our country.”

It emerged that the woman had just had a row with her husband.

The child was not injured, according to Xinhua. It remains to be seen what, if any, legal consequences the mother will face.


Father in Shenzhen repeatedly lashes 6-year old son to “educate” him, boy dies

Posted: 01/2/2013 7:00 am

Zheng Junpeng

After we recently reported that a woman in Shenzhen had beaten her own daughter before burning the body to make the death look like an accident, Shanghaiist intelligently connected the problem of weak child abuse laws with the government’s reluctance to focus on anything but economics.

But the frequency of child abuse cases at the hands of both parents and teachers may force the government to act.

The latest such case saw a 6 year-old boy die after his father lashed him ferociously with a belt in Shenzhen’s Longgang District on the night of December 28, Liaoning Satellite Television reports.

The father, Zheng Junpeng, told police he was beating the boy to “educate” him at their home on Bantian Road. When he realised the seriousness of his son’s injuries, he rushed him to hospital, but the boy, Xiaohao, could not be saved.

It was the seventh child abuse case to make the news in Shenzhen in 2012, according to Southern Metropolis Daily.

The beating happened around 10 p.m. after Zheng had been told by Xiaohao’s teacher that his son was a bully who would try to steal classmates’ money and beat them if they failed to comply.

The landlord, Shu, overheard the beating and knocked on the door to tell Zheng to stop. Zheng did not answer the door so Shu shouted through the door, asking Zheng not to beat his son so hard before leaving.

Xiaohao was found cold in bed but he was discovered too late. The case is being investigated.

A 2005 survey carried out by the All China Women’s Federation led to the discovery that child abuse was extremely common in China. The Hong Kong Law Blog tackled the issue of child abuse in Mainland China in November.


[Updated] GZ flight attendant claims she was beaten on board… by a government official

Posted: 08/30/2012 12:56 pm

Fang Daguo

The interwebs have lit up once again in the PRD thanks to a young woman in Guangzhou who claims she was beaten by a man on board an Air China flight from Hefei to Guangzhou yesterday (August 29).

The woman was working as a flight attendant on flight CA3874 when she claims a passenger became aggressive.  The man said she provided poor service and he didn’t like the way she spoke to him.  He apparently said, “You are only a flight attendant, I know your boss!” At one point, he apparently beat her with his luggage.  The woman posted photos of her injuries on Weibo around 9:00 last night, which we have posted below.  They have been shared on Weibo more than 10 million times.

Any incident of a person in power appearing to abuse their status seems to strike a chord with people these days, and this case is no different.  After the woman posted her claims, netizens began searching for the identity of the man on board the flight.  China’s famous human flesh search engines uncovered the guy: Fang Daguo, a political commissar in Guangzhou.

People on Weibo are outraged about his behaviour, and we expect this story to develop further.  We’ll keep you posted.

(Thanks again to @MissXQ for the info)

Update (9:18am 31 August):

It appears the flight attendant has either backed down, or possibly received some settlement cash.  On her Weibo last night, she posted:

On flight CZ3874 from Hefei to Guangzhou, Fang Daguo and his wife were in conflict with me over where they placed their luggage. Fang Daguo and his wife have already given me their sincere apology, and it has been settled properly. Thank you for your attention.
The post has been reposted over 22,000 times with over 14,000 comments. Most of the comments said they are disappointed.  So many people supported her, they said, and it’s sad she gave up so easily.  However, others said there must be another story behind the climb-down, and probably some cash exchanged hands.  Our bet is on this one.


Man beaten, hospitalized by Shenzhen traffic police

Posted: 06/25/2012 7:00 am

While many of us come from cultures in which police are referred to as “pigs” or worse, there are plenty of people in this “harmonious society” who don’t love the cops either. Physical and verbal attacks on law enforcement people are quite common in China. Earlier this year, one policeman was killed and 15 were injured in a riot in Yunnan Province when villagers were protesting the environmental damage caused by a nearby coal mine. In 2009, female Chengguan Liu Ping had a bucket of manure poured over her by a woman who was resisting arrest. Netizens overwhelmingly supported the criminal, with one saying “what she poured was not manure, but justice.”

Now, Shenzhen’s traffic police department is facing a major controversy, after responding disproportionately to an attack. A man is recovering in Longhua People’s Hospital, Shenzhen, after being held down and beaten by traffic police, according to local television. The man, Wang Hongguang, was held down and kicked in the chest and head after making a drunken, foul-mouthed rant at traffic policemen. The policeman who allegedly beat Wang has been identified as Zhang Wenbin. The Longhua branch of the city’s Public Security Bureau has already released footage, that clearly shows Wang being beaten by the traffic policeman.

Wang was visited by journalists at Longhua People’s Hospital where he is in the third ward on bed 30. He was attached to breathing apparatus, and his face was covered in scars from the beating. A witnessed surnamed Xu told reporters that at 2 a.m. June 20, a Longhua resident named Mr Yang was stopped by traffic police on Renmin Road while driving under the influence. Fearing arrest, Yang called his wife, urging her to get someone to visit him at the police station. Wang was drinking at home when he heard that Yang was in trouble.

When the drunken Wang arrived at the Traffic Police Station, he began a foul-mouthed rant at traffic policeman Zhang. Zhang proceeded to cuff him, then held him to the ground before kicking and beating him, aided by several colleagues. One policeman even sat on Wang while three or four others kicked him. Around 8 a.m., Wang’s family heard he was in danger, so his brother-in-law Zou went down to the station. After much squabbling, Wang was finally taken to Longhua People’s Hospital around 12 p.m., ten hours after the initial beating. The following morning at 8 a.m., Wang was declared to be in a critical condition.

The suspect Zhang and an assistant traffic policeman brought flowers to visit Wang, but the family refused to allow them to see him. The head of the hospital ward in which Wang is recovering, Guo Donghui, said despite injuries to his head, brain, neck, chest and stomach, Wang’s condition is now stable.

Traffic police have claimed that Yang resisted arrest, and invited four friends to come to the station to defend him, thus police were primarily acting out of self defense. Wang was the most aggressive and was accused of headbutting a policeman.

The Public Security Bureau is conducting an investigation.

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