The Nanfang / Blog

Guizhou’s Giant Duck Disappears Just As Giant Toad Appears in Beijing

Posted: 07/19/2014 2:13 pm

On the evening of July 16, the Giant Yellow Duck disappeared. The giant-sized Western-style rubber duck has vanished after a heavy rainstorm in Guizhou, Guiyang Province.

But that doesn’t matter anymore. Introducing : the Big Orange Toad.

Yes, that’s a guy in a boat in front of the Big Orange Toad.

The Big Orange Toad can currently be seen in Yuyuan Spring Park in Beijing. Not many details have been released yet, but then for an enormously oversized inflated object of cuteness, we’re not sure it needs any.

We can’t say for sure if there’s a connection between the lost duck and the toad. But, toads have been known to change their shape (at least when princesses are involved).

Do you love it? We hope the Big Orange Toad is the new auspicious icon that China’s been waiting for ever since that last icon went suspiciously missing…

Photos: The Running Reporter, China Daily

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