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Drought Stricken Henan Not Thrilled With Ice Bucket Challenge

Posted: 08/25/2014 6:10 pm

Protestors wear a sign on their chests saying: “Henan asks you to please say no to the ice bucket challenge.”

People in Henan are blaming the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge for encouraging users to waste clean water at the same time China’s north is plagued by a serious drought.

Residents of Pingdingshan gathered in front of the Giant Buddha on August 22 on the central plains and were photographed holding empty buckets over their heads, reports the People’s Daily Online.

The ALS ice bucket challenge has become very popular in China with a number of Chinese celebrities who have dumped buckets of water upon themselves in order to raise contributions and awareness for Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

However, the protesters are chastising participants for wasting clean drinking water. “Those that play around with ice water don’t know of the drought that we have been facing!” one protester said.

Unfortunately for them, most seem to be ignoring their pleas.

Can’t make heads or tails (out of your protest). If we don’t fool around with buckets of water, can we send you our water? It’s best if you yourselves don’t play around with water, and it won’t kill you to refrain from criticizing other people. If you have time to do your (protest), then you should have time to transport water! If the drought is so severe over there, then what you are doing is putting on a show.

Crass sensationalism; hype with malicious intent.

How much water can be conserved? Can’t be more than this wasteful activity. For example, the use of the paper (signs on your chests) is very wasteful. [tragedy.emo]

You should ask why there isn’t any power going to your wells, where the funds allocated to this extreme climate have gone. A few buckets of ice water isn’t going to help your drought.

Waste of water? What a good idea! According to my conscience, (I should tell you) your household uses the equivalent of several buckets of water flushing the toilet everyday. (Your post is) boring.

What’s wrong with Henan people? There’s a drought going on, and not having enough water to drink is a fact! Is it wrong to urge others to conserve water?! We all live on one world with limited resources. For those that one day won’t have enough water to use, remember how you acted at this time!

Charity does not conflict with fighting a drought.

This isn’t the first protest against the Ice Bucket Challenge. Celebrity Li Ao wrote in an August 23 Weibo post, “This activity of using ice water to pour over one’s head to show concern for sufferers of ALS is both confusing and hypocritical.

While Li’s criticism was easily dismissed by netizens as jealousy from being ignored when not personally named in a challenge, the drought conditions in China are as real as those throughout the rest of the world where the the ALS ice bucket challenge has also been criticized.

The Twitter hashtag #droughtshaming has arisen in response to the challenge. At the moment, a severe drought is currently taking place throughout 95% of California, its worst since 1850. The drought is so severe that residents who waste water are fined US$500. In comparison, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is estimated to have used between five and six million gallons of fresh water.

Executive director of the Soil and Water Conservation Society Jim Gulliford said if people are worried about water conservation, they should pay attention to other wasteful activities. ”If we are interested in water lost or wasted each day, we should be less concerned with water used to draw attention to the insidious disease ALS and more concerned with water leaking from common household faucets.”

While awareness for ALS has risen considerably in the Chinese media since the challenge went viral with more exposure given to ALS sufferers who are not covered under national health insurance, it appears that contributions to the ALS Foundation have not followed suit.

Since July 29, a total of US$41 million has been raised for the ALS Foundation worldwide. Of that total, RMB 2.3 million (US$370,000) has been contributed by Chinese citizens, despite viral videos that have been viewed 1.5 billion times, reports China Daily.

Photos: People’s Daily Online


ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Goes Viral Among Chinese Celebrities

Posted: 08/20/2014 7:06 pm

ice bucket challenge zhang ziyiMemes that spread internationally are often slower in coming to China — Gangnam Style, planking and coning come to mind, just to name a few. However, Chinese celebrity power has ensured that the ALS ice bucket challenge is a trending topic on the Chinese internet.

So far, the ice bucket challenge has been most prominent among Chinese technology leaders, perhaps due to the campaign’s involvement of Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Tim Cook and other US tech stars. Those having participated in the challenge include Victor Koo of Youku, Zhou Hongyi of Qihoo 360, Lei Jun of Xiaomi, and Pet Lau of OnePlus.

But that was last week. Now, Chinese celebrities can’t wait to be called upon to take part in the challenge. Here’s a list of famous Chinese celebrities who have taken part in the ALS ice bucket challenge so far:

Zhang Ziyi, who had a news story written about her challenge:

Andy Lau, speaking in both Mandarin and Cantonese, performs his challenge on top of a building:

Donnie Yen speaks English during his challenge:

Jay Chou:

Wang Lee-hom, in the spotlight:

Joey Yung, who has Spider-Man help her for her challenge:

And Charlene Choi, whose elaborate video features music and graphics:

What is most notable is the showmanship. Each celebrity tries to outdo the previous one through better production values, shot locations, and camera techniques.

The ALS ice bucket challenge actually started nine months ago, but recently came to prominence through the efforts of US golfer Chris Kennedy. The goal of the challenge is to raise funds and awareness for ALS, (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

People who accept the challenge agree to have cold water poured onto their heads, after which they nominate others to take the challenge within a day. Those who turn down the challenge are asked to contribute at least US$100 to the ALS Foundation.

Photo: Xinhua


Controversial CCTV Host Rui Chenggang Taken Away By Police

Posted: 07/12/2014 6:26 pm

rui chenggangFamous CCTV host Rui Chenggang has been taken away by police, according to Caijing. Other CCTV personnel were also taken away, including Li Yong, the deputy commissioner of the CCTV Finance Channel, and several producers.

Called “China’s biggest journalist“, Rui has become a celebrity that is seen and read all around China. His television shows on CCTV-2 are watched by some 300 million viewers nightly. Rui has had the distinction of having interviewed some 300 high-level political leaders.

cctv show rui chenggangThe anchor was conspicuously absent from the July 11 broadcast of his “Economic Information Broadcast” television show, and rumors began to spread online about why he was absent. Police still haven’t indicated why they are investigating Rui.

Rui came to prominence on social media when he wrote a post about a Starbucks located in the Forbidden City in 2006. His screed against the coffee chain being in the Forbidden City led to it eventually being removed. Rui was named “Blogger of the Year” in 2007 as a result of his efforts.

Rui is also well known for his controversial remarks. At a 2009 press conference with US President Barack Obama, Rui volunteered himself when the US President was instead seeking a question from the Korean press. As Rui explained at the time, “Unfortunately, I hate to disappoint you, President Obama, I’m actually Chinese. But I think I get to represent the entire Asia, part of the family on this side of the world.”

Photos: Sina, china files


Guangdong Has China’s Very Own Celebrity Rehab Center

Posted: 06/27/2014 9:46 am

huizhou drug rehab When celebrity Chinese TV writer Ning Caishen, aka Chen Wanning and creator of the popular TV comedy My Own Swordsman (武林外传), and director Zhang Yuan were both caught doing drugs, we figured that they may soon be going to rehab to clean themselves up. Fortunately there’s a place that caters to people just like them: the rich, powerful, and famous — and addicted to drugs.

After news of the two celebrity arrests broke yesterday, Yangcheng Evening News reported that Huizhou “conveniently” houses one of the most luxurious rehab centers for celebrities, entrepreneurs and government officials, the Huizhou Luofushan Patient’s Rehabilitation Center.

Founded in 1992 and boasting a European-style resort decor, the center charges up to RMB 68,000 for a 20 day stay, and includes meals, medication and most importantly, privacy. Because let’s be honest, for celebrities, officials or cash-strapped entrepreneurs, a drug scandal is probably not the kind of attention they want to attract.

huizhou drug rehab

To meet the needs of its high-end clientele, the owner of the rehab center spent RMB 30 million on its renovation in 2013 to turn it into “the most luxurious rehab center” in the Pearl River Delta. Offering a limited 70 king-sized beds with TV and air conditioning, the center charges a minimum of RMB 7,000 per day including meals and medication, the report said.

READ: Drug Crimes by Foreigners in China Up 17%,
Guangdong a Particular Problem

Some of the patients at the rehab center consider it another stop on the party train. Patient Zhang Long (a pseudonym), told a reporter in 2013 while smoking a cigarette:

We’re not allowed to hit the bars or go hang out with our friends. Instead, all we can do is talk with fellow patients about our our “glory days”. I used to be somebody important, made a lot of money, had a lot of friends. Right now, they’re still probably still having fun.

June 26 marked the symbolically-important “International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking”. With a high-profile crackdown on drugs currently making the rounds in China, Zhang Yuan and Ning Caishen could be expecting company.

We could soon have a Chinese version of Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew.

Here are some more photos of the Huizhou rehab center:

huizhou drug rehabhuizhou drug rehab

READ: Drug Sting At Hotel in Guangzhou Nets 10 Foreigners

huizhou drug rehab

huizhou drug rehabhuizhou drug rehab

READ: Drug-Riddled Guangdong Town Presents Challenge to Police

huizhou drug rehabhuizhou drug rehab


Photos: huizhou.home77


Meet China’s Hugh Grant Sex Scandal Counterpart, Huang Haibo

Posted: 05/19/2014 5:12 pm

huang haiboWhen Chinese celebrities get busted for sex scandals, it’s a big deal. When Wen Zhang had his dirty laundry exposed to the public, it resulted in the history’s most read Weibo post. After Edison Chen had his secret stash of photos regarding a “celebrity sex ring” exposed, he hasn’t worked since—and that guy was in The Dark Knight.

Yes, a puritan double standard may be held for China’s most famous, but it seems to be excused for certain people—people like Huang Haibo.

Huang was arrested by police after he was caught with a prostitute at a Beijing hotel. And despite the scandal, the media and netizens remain very loyal to him: one figure puts Huang’s support as high as 80% (if one can put the internet into a percentage).

Huang apologized immediately for his actions, and it’s been readily accepted. Friends of Huang have defended him by saying he was drunk at the time of the incident, while some Weibo comments have suggested Huang was framed, as someone as rich as him “won’t require to rent a hotel room for the solicitation of sex”.

We’re not quite sure if being drunk is an adequate excuse, but maybe any talk about Huang is presumptuous without talking about what he does for a living: being liked, and getting paid for ithuang haibo

If you’re not familiar with the popular actor, then you won’t be aware his fame originated from starring on Hey, Let’s Get Married as “Guo Ran”, the ideal perfect husband.

Readers would also not know that Guo Ran is considered the model husband by which men should pattern themselves after: a completely loyal, docile man who never expresses anger or really any personal opinions at all.

So is the scandal justified? Is it okay to excuse unmarried bachelors like Huang for having specific needs while ridiculing others?

As China’s equivalent of the Hugh Grant sex scandal (minus the transsexual and the smoking hot wife), we’re probably going to see more forgiveness awarded to this guy for every mistake that he makes. For our part, we hope Huang gives back in China’s upcoming versions of Four and a Half Weddings and Tropic Thunder.

Photo: Guan News, Baike, sohu

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