The Nanfang / Blog

Shenzhen this weekend: live music, anniversary parties and more

Posted: 08/29/2013 4:26 pm

Shenzhen is getting set to close out August in style. Check out what’s happening this weekend:

August 29th-30th - L A X Bar 1st Anniversary Party - Win a RMB3,000 Wine card, trip to Disneyland, and free champagne with an RMB1,000 purchase for the night. 8:00PM-4:00AM

Club LAX will have it’s 1st anniversary party.

August 29th-31st - International Beverage Exposition and Competition (IBEC) - IBEC is one of the highest quality and most professional beverage shows in China. Meet suppliers and try products. (All Day Event)

August 30th - Stabil Elite LIVE @ B10. The German New Wave Band - STABIL ELITE Tour in Shenzhen, China. Friday 8:30PM-11:00PM

August 30th - Lone I Club Opening Party - 2 free cocktails or glasses of champagne. 8:00PM-4:00AM

August 31st - Ailand - A House and Trance Musical Journey 10:00PM-6:00PM


August 31st - Fresh Presents: Back to School Block Party - Come celebrate the birth of Hip Hop music at an outdoor block party in a public plaza in Dongmen. 6:00PM-2:00AM Jesse has let us know that this has been postponed until a later date.

August 31st - Chinese Folk Songs Concert - A concert featuring Chinese folk songs composed by renowned songwriter Wang Luobin (1913-1996) will be held Aug. 31 in Shenzhen. 8:00PM-10:30PM

September 1st - Ultimate Frisbee @ Happy Valley Park - 2:30-6:00PM Hosted weekly by the ShenZhen Ultimate Players Association

If you attend any of these events, please email me at and we may include some of your review in a future post. Let’s keep your event organizers working to provide better and better events!

(Editor’s Note: We’re looking for dining and nightlife writers in Guangzhou and Dongguan. If you’re interested, please get in touch with us at

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