The Nanfang / Blog

Parents in the PRD concerned about snacks sold near schools

Posted: 09/11/2012 7:00 am

The summer holidays have ended and children have returned to the daily grind of school life. The only thing left to remind us that the school year is in full swing is a scandal, and we have one. Parents in the PRD have expressed concern about the cheap snacks sold around schools, fearing they are detrimental to children’s health, Southern Metropolis Daily reports.

Concerned parents have coined the term “Fifty-cent snacks” as a pun on “Fifty-cent party member,” a term used to describe an internet sock puppet.

“I prefer to take my son home directly after school because I don’t want him to buy cheap snacks from any of the nearby vendors. Those snacks cannot be healthy,” said Wu, the mother of a primary school student in Dongguan, she finds her son likes to buy snacks from nearby shops, “each snack costs between 0.5 and 1 yuan, making it easy for a child to purchase,” Wu added.

The “50-cent snacks” are mostly sold in convenience stores, with colorful packages and low prices. The owner of one of the stores told a reporter from Southern Metropolis Daily that they had never given any thought to where the snacks came from. “If the packages have a sign saying ‘QS’ (which means production permission), it should be safe. This means it has gone through a government check,” said one store owner.

However, according to a recently-published food safety report, the snacks contain at least 15 additives, such as pigments, sweeteners and preservatives. The additives could harm an adult’s body, let alone a kid’s.

The issue of school snacks is also an issue in the United States, where a push is on for schools to serve healthier meals to students.


Fake chicken wings appear in Guangzhou with a “gummy” texture

Posted: 08/16/2012 10:36 am

It seems not a day goes by without some kind of food scare, which many foreigners have cited as a primary reason to leave China.  Just this year, we’ve heard stories of gutter oil being re-used, bamboo shoots being washed in toilet water, and bad pork being sold in the PRD.  Now we learn this: some chicken wings being sold in Guangzhou might be fake — and dangerous.

The Yangcheng Evening News interviewed a Guangzhou citizen named Mr. Gu, who lives in Panyu District.  He told the paper he bought fake chicken wings at the Qinghe market in Panyu a couple of weeks ago.

According to the paper, Mr. Gu purchased a big bag of chicken wings for RMB20, which came from Weifang in Shandong Province. A few days later, Mr. Gu’s mother cooked the chicken wings for about 20 minutes but they found the colour hadn’t changed.  When Mr. Gu took a bite, he found them hard to chew.  He felt they had been cooked long enough, but they stir-fried them for another 10 minutes just to be sure.  Again, after taking a bite, he found they had a “gummy” texture and were hard to swallow.

Still, Mr. Gu and his family ate the wings, but felt sick the next day.  He then became suspicious about what he had eaten, so he called the manufacturer’s phone number listed on the bag of wings.  Unfortunately the person who answered the phone claimed to have no relationship with the manufacturer, and knew nothing.

The paper learned that several people have complained about the quality of the wings at Qinghe market.  One expert told the paper the wings Mr. Gu purchased are not “fake”, per se, but poor quality wings injected with water and gelatin to appear meatier.  Further, the man said these poor quality wings are common, and usually sold to fast food restaurants or market stalls.

The reporter from the paper went to the market undercover, and found several stalls selling the Weifang-produced wings.  Shop sellers said the wings are “very popular” and they have sold several bags of them.  The reporter also tried to call the manufacturer’s phone number, but the woman who answered said she was just a shop clerk and had nothing to do with the manufacturing company.

The good news in all of this? The paper went to several popular supermarkets in Guangzhou and couldn’t find any Weifang-produced wings on sale.  Still, best to use caution: be careful where you choose to eat, and carefully inspect chicken wings before buying them.



Reasons to leave China: two prominent and long-term expats have thrown in the towel

Posted: 07/27/2012 5:22 pm

It seems life in China is always a bit of a balancing act: on the one hand, you get valuable international experience, meet amazing people, eat great food, and generally broaden your horizons substantially. Some who come to China find new skills, new careers, even a spouse. Then there’s the downside: polluted air, dangerous food, traffic, visa runs, and more. Usually the benefits of living in China outweigh the costs, but that has changed for a couple of prominent expats who wrote long essays this week about why they’re leaving China.

The first is Charlie Custer, who made his fame by blogging at ChinaGeeks.  Custer has spent several years in the country and was working on a documentary called Living with Dead Hearts, which delved into the sensitive issue of child kidnappings in China.  Still, he’s probably most famous for calling on CCTV Dialogue host Yang Rui to be fired after Yang unleashed a torrid vitriolic rant against foreign “trash” in Beijing. (You know you’re famous in China when Next Media Animation does a video with you in it.)

Still, Custer felt it was time to go, and left behind a blog post which was published after he was already in the sky and en route to the United States.  He said his two primary reasons for leaving are air quality and food safety, issues that became even more pressing as he and his wife discuss starting a family. But those weren’t the only two issues:

Of course, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t affected by China’s political situation. For someone who truly believes China would be better served by a system that afforded its people, at the very least, a free press and the true rule of law, this has been a depressing couple of years. Depressing, soul-crushing and occasionally terrifying. But if I’m honest with myself, even with the political situation, I really think I’d be staying in Beijing if I felt like I could breathe safely.

I don’t think I’m alone there. I know plenty of families in Beijing, and it’s not my intent to criticize anyone else here; I’m just trying to explain my own rationale. But these are issues everyone here struggles with. And for those Chinese and foreign who, like me, are lucky enough to have the means to move elsewhere, some are going to make that choice. As the data on pollution gets clearer, perhaps more are going to make that choice. And while China has made some strides in agreeing to report things like PM2.5 publicly in some cities, I unfortunately don’t see the pollution problem disappearing anytime soon.

This isn’t really even China’s fault. OK, yes it is, but it’s also a fairly natural (if disgusting) stage of development. I don’t know if industrial-era London every looked quite this bad, but I gather it wasn’t the cleanest place ever. The thing is, though, would you choose to live in industrial revolution London?

That choice, I think, is part of China’s problem. As Chinese salaries go up and the education system gets better — and here’s hoping those things do improve despite what’s looking like a fairly ugly bump in the economic road — more and more people are going to have the same choice I have.

In fact, at least one other expat has made the same choice. Mark Kitto originally came to China in 1986, and might be known (by the longest-of-long term expats in the PRD) as the founder of the That’s magazine franchise (which includes That’s PRD - formerly That’s Guangzhou). Kitto has had his ups-and-downs in the country, but has pretty much lived here since his college days.  His story of how he lost the That’s magazine franchise has become legendary.

But he, too, is leaving. In a multiple-page story in the latest issue of Prospect, he says:

I wanted China to be the place where I made a career and lived my life. For the past 16 years it has been precisely that. But now I will be leaving.

I won’t be rushing back either. I have fallen out of love, woken from my China Dream.

Unfortunately this story is behind a paywall, although I have read a PDF version.  In it, Kitto describes the air and food quality issues, and also the fact his business - he runs a coffee shop in Moganshan in Shanghai - could be taken from him at any time. His primary concern though, he said, is for his children’s education.  He painted a bleak picture of China’s gaokao system and says the country’s schools are nothing more than testing factories.

He also observes China’s growth over the years; he said in the late 1980s (before Tiananmen Square) there was a spirit of community and optimism that turned to consumerism and individualism following the crackdown.

Kitto and Custer aren’t the first two expats to decide they’ve had enough; the question is whether this is a growing trend. Or, perhaps, China is meant for the young: once a spouse and kids are in the picture, the negative side of living here begins to outweigh the positive and China loses its lustre.

The headline of Kitto’s column does make a good point though. No matter how long we stay, or how good our Mandarin is: “You’ll never be Chinese.”

(The front page image is of Mark Kitto and his family. The image originally appeared in Prospect magazine).


Merchant processes dried bamboo shoots in toilet

Posted: 07/5/2012 11:44 am

Food safety scandals happen with almost metronomic regularity in China. Although the State media devotes an enormous amount of attention to the issue, the situation doesn’t appear to be getting much better.

An illegal food workshop in Dongguan has been processing dried bamboo shoots in toilet water, according to Southern Metropolis Daily.

Photographs show white plastic buckets in which dirty water is used to infuse dried bamboo shoots. Worms were seen crawling on a piece of dried bamboo shoot. Two of the buckets were seen placed beside a squat toilet.

“We use the toilet water to wash the worms out,” said the owner of the illegal food workshop. He also said they could sell more than 10kg of dried bamboo shoots to members of the public a day.

How much do you know about the safety of what you’re putting into your mouth?


70 tons of dead livestock a day unaccounted for, could be sold illegally

Posted: 06/26/2012 1:00 pm

China is known to be struggling with food safety issues. Last year there was a nationwide crackdown on the sale of illegally recycled food oil. The country also saw cases of illegal pork additives.

The food safety debate is expected to rear its head again in Guangzhou, which is producing more meat than it can process.

Guangzhou can generate 100 tons of dead livestock everyday but it only can handle 30%.  The problem is it isn’t clear where the other 70% goes, Southern Metropolis Daily reported.

The Guangzhou Sanitization Center is the only sanitization center which is able to safely handle dead livestock in Guangzhou. Li Tinggui, director of city management committee, told the newspaper of the problem at the center’s 60th anniversary celebrations, “Where do the other corpses go? This could mean a lot of pork is being illegally sold to citizens,” Li said.

Sources with knowledge of the matter told reporters that the sanitization center only takes responsibility for dealing with livestock which was sent there. The center is not responsible for supervising farming or slaughtering.


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